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03/21/06 9:52 PM

#10111 RE: d4diddy #10109 forgot to put the link in! EOM


03/21/06 11:40 PM

#10114 RE: d4diddy #10109!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_CH/.cmd/ad/.ar/sa.getBib/.c/6_0_69/.ce/7_...

If you go to file wrapper tab and scroll down to the bottom it will take you to the process and correspondence we made with the patents office getting our patents...

If you want to see the first filing made to the Patent office go to the continuity data it

You will then see a Parent Number 60/344 787

Click on it...

and then click on Miscellanious Incomming Letter

This takes you to the beginning...The start of the Explosives detection that was on our Web then not..the one that Imorovan made a stink about.


If you research the rest of our patents pending and you go thru those various tabs its seems like a never ending circling and enter-twining...Confussion??? is all I can say..LOL

I have been in and out of that Patent site and those different tabs off and on for sometime now...

After you go thru it maybe you will see the difference between the two patents ours and ASD's

If you take a look at what... ASD just got patented...the RxSpec March 10th it looks like it does exactly what we do.
...I mean almost what we do......"system in development" we know what that


" ASD has versions of the RxSpec® system in development for a wide range of additional dosage forms, including injectables and IV solutions.”"


The difference is that our technolgy is a different energy source and Package and to me of course seems to be just a little more advanced..Reads Liquids and has a Learning Device and can play "what if" senerios with our Software program...amongst other things.

So does ASD think that the "infringement" is in the fact that.. we are going into the same field as theirs..

The Pharmacy/Hospitals and performing the same Functions?

They are using off the shelf technology also..

So where is the infringment??


ASD’s patented RxSpec® technology utilizes a combined visible and near infrared spectroscopy inspection system to directly check the prescription drug while in the dispensing vial.

The real-time measurement is sensitive to chemical composition, color, and dosage level.

The measured “chemical fingerprint” is compared to an extensive known database, thereby providing absolute assurance that the dispensed drug is correct in both type and concentration, regardless of similarity in appearance.

In seconds, RxSpec® technology verifies the identity and dosage of a prescription drug dispensed by a pharmacy, thereby reducing potentially harmful filling errors, as well as detecting counterfeit drugs.


Going on the ASD website today.. I realized they are into explosives detection by a white paper published 2003 (ready to ripen if still pursuing) and also had a Paper commenting on Personal Landmines..(Just thought that interesting)

The first patent that we filed... the Parent I believes encompasses most of our siblings..(not the cuvetts though)
I may be wrong but it makes perfect sense to me..

Of our two Patents the first one looks to be Approved by Payment I don't know if the other one has been payed for or not..we have I believe 3 months from approval I think..

How can they sue a patent that is not Totaly Approved yet by the paper work that needs to be submitted?