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06/01/14 11:41 PM

#223189 RE: F6 #223187

That's an excellent article, F6, it says it all .. including, as we all knew before ..

"Is there no end to the barbarism that men — and usually, it is men — will commit under the rubric of faith?"

See also:

One Percenter Convicted Of Raping Infant Child Dodges Jail Because He 'Will Not Fare Well'

Dear Republicans .. bits ..
Your fucking golden boy raped the Constitution, mainly because he wanted to; tortured random people (and waterboarding is torture, fuck you too) essentially because he wanted to; spent like a drunken sailor, essentially because he wanted to; invaded a sovereign nation, essentially for the loot and destroyed people's lives, essentially for the evilulz and you bastards are obsessed with a fucking accident a Democrat had decades ago? You don't go on about Laura Bush killing some guy decades ago. Fuck you.


Fuck you, you scumridden shitehawks, you make me sick. Just fuck off and die.

Yes, I know this is ruff .. . however it seems so right..;(

A Rape a Minute, a Thousand Corpses a Year: Hate Crimes in America (and Elsewhere)

Denver Bronco's legend John Elway's son, Jack, arrested after 'pushing a 23-year-old woman out of a moving car'

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08/11/19 5:07 AM

#322297 RE: F6 #223187

Meriam Ibrahim freed from death row in Sudan

2014 - "Leonard Pitts Jr.: Faith cannot be coerced
By Leonard Pitts Jr.
Posted on Sunday, 06.01.14
In a prison in Khartoum, a dusty city on the banks of the ancient Nile in the African nation of Sudan, Meriam Yehya Ibrahim waits.
P - She is not alone in her confinement. Her son is with her. He is 20 months old. Her daughter is there, too. She was born in that prison one week ago.
P - Together with their 27-year old mother, they wait. Wait for her deliverance, wait for her execution by hanging. There is no middle ground.
P - Ibrahim stands convicted of apostasy. She renounced Islam and became a Christian. According to Ibrahim — and the speaker of the Sudanese Parliament disputes this — she was raised a Christian after her father, a Muslim, abandoned the family when she was 6. Under Sudanese law, anyone whose father was a Muslim is automatically considered a Muslim. Converting from Islam is against the law, and Muslim women are forbidden from marrying outside their faith.
Her death, thank God, is not imminent. Ibrahim’s lawyer is appealing her sentence. And the court has given her two years to nurse and wean her daughter before it is carried out. So Ibrahim waits. Outraged governments in more civilized places — including the United States — have urged Sudan not to do this evil thing. Petition drives have netted 650,000 signatures in the same cause. So, like Ibrahim herself, the world waits.
P - And watches.
P - And wonders:
P - Is there no end to the barbarism that men — and usually, it is men — will commit under the rubric of faith?

Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag in her prison cell the day after she gave birth
in chains on 28 May 2014 © AFP/Getty Images

Six weeks after she was sentenced to hang, Meriam Ibrahim, a 27-year-old mother of two young children who was facing execution for refusing to renounce her Christian faith, has been freed from Sudan's death row.

'I would like to thank all those who stood beside me.'
Meriam, interviewed by the BBC on her release

We launched a high-profile campaign for Meriam’s release that saw over a million people around the world call on the Sudanese authorities to release Meriam. The authorities have heard those callls: this week they released Meriam from death row and dropped the charges that led to her death sentence.

Meriam had been sentenced to death for refusing to renounce her Christian faith. In May 2014, she was found guilty of the crime of apostasy under Sudan’s Sharia law. She was also due to be flogged for being married to a Christian man.

Reunited family now have a future together

While searching F6's for one i remember on C-Street i came across "Faith cannot be coerced", then
wondered how Miriam's situation had worked out. It's extra special to discover good news as that.