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06/01/14 4:25 PM

#49758 RE: Labradorite #49757

Sending anything to China, especially a strategic metal, has to complicate things a bit.....imo
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06/01/14 8:22 PM

#49765 RE: Labradorite #49757

Define “Giving up?” There are arguably some things I most certainly think Don and the BOD should give-up and I would start with who is advising them on their marketing and end with who told them to string their shareholders along with one contradictory statement after another. Clearly Don is in charge, indicative of his recent PR. So that should clear-up and dismiss any thoughts that Murdock was somehow controlling Don and his communications or lack thereof to the FLPC shareholders.

What some want to graciously conclude as Don having made some mistakes? Others would view as both haphazard, poor management, suspicious, self-serving, and contradictory and most certainly NOT TRASNPARANT.

In fact, much of our management team’s recent efforts (**See April 29, 2014 PR) have been focused on consolidating our operations to a base in Reno, Nevada. We will begin moving into the new office on June 15th, with the official opening set for July 1st.

April 29, 2014 PR: FLPC CEO Nicholson noted the overall impact of the management restructure. "Mr. Triketiotis will be leading our next phase of growth full-time, from the newly established operations base in** Reno.

Dec 19, 2013 PR: "The Company has expanded their operations staff to include an onsite accountant/comptroller in the Lovelock office to ensure that the cost effectiveness and accuracy of daily operations will be maintained. This individual is responsible for the oversight of the Lovelock operation as well as providing accounting/production controls for all mining operations and upcoming milling operations.

CEO DON NICHOLSON’S PR 05/27/2014 -AS OF JANUARY 2014: Approximately 700 MT of ore had been mined, and 40MT sold in the following quarter to a buyer in Asia for evaluation and testing. – – It was our stated plan to perform a primary crush on the ore, utilize a crew to ‘high grade’ the crushed ore (i.e. visually pick out pieces that were obviously of better grade, something which is possible with our stibnite ore), ***"retain the rest for future milling and sell the high grade ‘concentrate’." Problems with that plan emerged, primarily with the processing of the ore once it was mined. With the benefit of hindsight, it is now clear that the operational and regulatory complexity of undertaking this highly manual processing, absent a fully permitted site upon which to perform the tasks, was simply not viable. – Dozens of alternatives to try to get the ore to a point where it could be upgraded for sale were explored and discarded as non- compliant from a regulatory / safety standpoint, or as economically unviable.
In ***late February 2014, after exhausting all operations options, the management team made the necessary decision to ‘reboot’ the process, and undertake a more comprehensive program of simultaneously bringing the mine and mill into operation. In order to avoid the mistakes of the past –

**Where in any of the following excerpts can you find supporting evidence to Mr. Nicholson’s contentions and claims Above?
*** Where in any of the following do you see mention of retaining ore for testing the mill much less refining to higher concentrate?

May 2, 2014 PR: First Liberty CEO Don Nicholson, and newly appointed Chief Operating Officer Jimmy Triketiotis, made the announcement that based on the status of the trial shipment in the prior fiscal quarter, the Company is confident now in undertaking additional shipments this current fiscal quarter ending July 31. The knowledge and experience gained from that will be utilized in planning additional ore shipments from current inventories

**I believe this was stated well after February and their so-called re-boot arrival conclusion presented in Don’s PR on 05/27/2014

March 24, 2014 PR- Beckles said. "We made significant advances with the launch of initial mining operations at the Fencemaker property. With plans already implemented for the shipment and sale of this inventory, we remain on track to achieve revenue this fiscal year."
"We have learned a great deal these past few months from our initial mining operations, inventory preparation, and the response from buyers relative to available product. Our path forward, relative to significantly enhancing our operations, is now much clearer, as is our emergent role in the world antimony market. (Again well after February)

Feb. 4, 2014 PR- First Liberty CEO Don Nicholson issued a statement that 36 metric tons of stibnite ore are being shipped this week. Robert Reynolds addressed future operational targets.

Dec. 19, 2013 PR- The Company also disclosed that further to its commencement of mining operations, a buyer for the stibnite (antimony) concentrate had been contracted, with shipments anticipated to begin in January of 2014. The projected net revenues from the sale of the concentrates will be used to further enhance Fencemaker operations, as well as other future Company developments.

Dec. 16, 2013 PR - With more than 500 metric tons of ore currently loaded for transportation, FLPC has established a first stage plan to have the raw ore upgraded to a 50 to 60% concentrate. The upgraded ore will be sold and shipped to SHACC for further refining. Our expectation is that the first container will be at the shipping port by the third week of January with regular shipments to follow. More details on tonnage and concentrate levels will be provided over the following weeks, as transportation and concentrating costs become clearly established."

Nov. 20, 2013 PR - Don Nicholson noted that ongoing blasting and mining work at Fencemaker has advanced to four blasts per week, with more than 350 tons of stibnite (antimony) ore prepared for shipment. "We anticipate that the first container loads will be ready for sale by mid-December," Nicolson said. "At that time we will provide details on ore grading and deliverable quantities."

Oct. 15, 2013 PR - Our plans currently call for four to five days of operations per week," Vogan said. Once the ore is mined and sorted, it will be packaged into specially constructed super sacks able to hold one (1) metric ton of ore concentrate. The super sacks will then be loaded for transport." The planned milling operation will allow for higher-speed as well as enhanced recovery, which will result in an ore concentrate of 50% and greater. Additional details on the milling operation capacity and contemplated timing will be announced in short order.

Another area of concern held by many, including ourselves, has been the dilution of First Liberty’s stock as a result of convertible debentures utilized as the primary means of finance, to-date. We do greatly respect the fact that many of these finance companies have taken a significant risk on First Liberty Power, often when no one else would do so. With such assumption of risk traditionally comes a greater cost of finance, which in this case took the form of market dilution. The vast majority of our convertible financing was in support of bringing Fencemaker into operation, which was achieved but did not generate the anticipated complementary goal of sustaining revenue. This turn of events inevitably led to the continuation of the need for this type of financing, absent viable alternatives. The good news is that we are very pleased to have recently received some pure equity finance from one of our convertible debenture financers, which will obviously improve our financing situation. Rest assured that every possible alternative financial avenue is being pursued, and when added to the clear and viable path to production, additional sources of financing are expected to become available, helping to reduce current and future dilution. –

July 10, 2013 PR - Letter of Intent (LOI) with Group8 Mining Innovations (Group8) to acquire $1.5 million for the purchase of equipment to process ore from the Fencemaker Operation. - CEO Don Nicholson noted the dual significance of the agreement. "With the Fencemaker mining operation rapidly approaching production, it is critical that we commence acquisition of the mill. With the support of Group8, this is now an achievable target," Nicholson said. "Subject to any final regulatory approvals, we expect the mill to be operational within three months of the equipment order."

*** "With this purchase arrangement now established, together with the recently announced plan by the board of directors to seek approval to increase the company's authorized capital, we are well positioned to obtain the necessary capital required, on more favorable terms, for the mill equipment payments and other operational startup capital requirements. (** WHAT HAPPENED)

NOTE: Try to remember when the last time was you were told concrete information about the MILL and terms to bring same on line. Don and the boys went completely silent and if you will but follow the trail you will clearly see where he is speaking in total contradiction to previously released statements and/or skirting right over previously released statements and positions taken in the past with respect to the same issue (s) …WHY?

Summation: The information presented here is not all inclusive but it merely strives to present the facts that much of what is being said in Mr. Nicholson’s recent PR and attempts to address his silence, lack of forth rightness and transparency is very contradictory and not consistent. Most people do not conclude that honesty is running amuck when such opposing info presents. Clearly one does need rocket science to see the numerous issues that present with respect to descriptive words tossed around like confetti such as: “open-honest, transparent…etc.” This is not merely about a plan that in theory appeared sound but applicability proved otherwise. If this was so simple and straight forward as Mr. Nicholson would have us believe then “why” does he present with so many discrepancies in reporting facts today than in his prior PRs.

Clearly either several of the previously issued PRs are false and misleading or the most recent PR issued is not completely truthful? The only other unthinkable choice is they all are.

What Mr. Nicholson wants is very clear…an increase in the capital and the last time I looked I wasn’t investing to give him and his BOD an arm chair paycheck. Look at the facts! I’ve spent a career reviewing materials and statements of people who held themselves in such regard that they presumed no one would pay attention to previous statements & claims made. Regardless of whether you elect, as an investor and shareholder to; sell, buy, go long or run… to include whether you’re new to FLPC or been here for years…STOP the “what if’s” and “maybe they mean this” and look at facts!

Nicholson-Reynolds-Murdock they’re all going to be treading very cautiously and seeking to have you, the shareholders be their marketing campaign and create, among yourself, the hype…so that after all is said and done they’ll say…We didn’t say that. If these guys are truly wanting to bring this company up instead of down, to make it successful instead of draining it…then they will utilize what they have remaining of this company’s capital and EARN BACK THE SHAREHOLDERS TRUST! If you green light and cards blanch Mr. Nicholson what he asks and seeks he will most certainly be back again barring that a company even exists. And for all those who want to compare how we were once here and were going to bounce…I beg to differ on the numerous aspects prevailing then verse today that are very opposing and not at all promising…