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06/01/14 11:57 AM

#30013 RE: Majobuki #30012

As we have always said if it were such a deal Rf foundation would of have stepped in a long time ago. Numbers don't lie this company was to set up a capital fund to pump revenue into a private company taking all the risk should and if the private company had found something they would of kept it for them selves but being they didn't they threw it back as dead assets to be depreciated for a tax loss.

Someone will buy the depreciated assets pay the debt leaving little to shareholders.

Courts don't know what is under the ground. they may ask experts to look at it another added expense too shareholders and because it takes years and years to get a court date never mind a bias opinion on the assets in the meantime you have creditors wanting there money so things get over looked when there are so many resource companies under scrutiny after a bull market.

They say you can't get blood from a stone a private entity takes over run by the debt holders and by the time the courts gets to looking with there experts there is noting there should there be money but administration expenses are paid as well as sale expenses to sell the shares leaving nothing to shareholders.

I she is a pirates game for sure and nothing less and you want control of the ship to take the spoils.

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06/01/14 6:24 PM

#30014 RE: Majobuki #30012

Majo. Thanks for sharing. Did BR mentioned who is running UVSE now?