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05/31/14 4:21 AM

#196565 RE: Steel Penny #196564

Sony does not and never will give a crap about a fake 4K/ice sculpting company.

The assertion that NTEK is even on Sony's radar is hilarious.

This garbage has to stop.


05/31/14 9:17 AM

#196583 RE: Steel Penny #196564

The statement that was referred to in your post:

Why would Sony deal with a half ass penny stock company?
They have there own technology they certainly don't need NTEK.
Smoke and mirrors diversions.

Can be addressed in a NUMBER of ways (& your "relative" is
RIGHT ON POINT - according to my DD - as is you're interpretation)
to address this question that I have thoroughly confronted in
past posts. & I also "predicted" Sony would be selling off assets,
which has come to pass recently.

From the way the company is constructed, grown, to communication
between divisions (&/or lack thereof) it has ALL been discussed
as PROVIDING REASONS for why Sony's Media Player was an

To rehash:
1) The Sony MP is a download (sit & wait) device.

A) The WORLD is CLEARLY moving to a STREAMING ENIRONMENT - & quickly!

2) The Sony MP is NOT a wireless device.

A) See above...people are taking to video in record numbers,
people are taking to being MOBILE - "video anywhere on ANY
device" in RECORD NUMBERS too!!

3) The Sony MP is NOT compatible with ANY other brand.

A) In FACT, the Sony MP is NOT EVEN compatible with all Sony
products. I count three models the MP actually can work with.
Research in Sony forums, product reviews, & direct customer
service inquiries, etc., show those models REQUIRE what Sony
calls/ed "White Glove Service" where technicians are dispatched
to serve the client/customer. Ergo, this is their way of FIXING
(& trying to put lipstick on the proverbial PIG) the early
problems they were seeing with the unit.

4) By & large the downloads have been time robbers.

A) Sony consumers are on record of stating that download time
can be upwards of 3 to 3.5hrs (or more) per unit (movie)

I could go on, including the $700.00 price tag - especially
when comparing the product to ANY of NTEK's 4 existing model
Nuvola NP-H1 4K Pro models, plus the 2 forthcoming ones - in
terms of benefits (Social features, skype, FB, Twitter, Gaming,
Glasses-FREE 3D, GooglePlay Apps, Unlimited Music, Research,
TegraZone, &/or ALL the advantages that CONVERGENCE (an Al Stone
word btw) provides by streaming content with web-access that
a NON-4K Streaming Device like the Sony unit CAN NOT PROVIDE.

But, all this ONLY addresses one product (to be CLEAR) in the
forthcoming Nuvola NP-1. Now, before going ANY FURTHER it may
be important to note that Sony has announced coming out with
a new model soon. But, as is Sony's penchant of late (& part
of this is, imv, attributable to their corporate structure &
culture) they have maintained that the "new unit" will still
be a Sony-BRAND exclusive.


I guessed that Sony is SO CONSUMED with piracy issues that
the ROOT of many of the PERFORMANCE problems lay in their
"NON-COMMUNICATIVE corporate culture (as in the engineering
& product development team responsible for design & manufacture
ACTUALLY SPEAKING WITH & gaining input, testing & feedback
from it's consumer electronics, sales, U.S. audience & the
like) AND their desire NOT to have their film library go through
what Sony's RECORD BUSINESS (Columbia & others) had to go through.
Putting it more simply, EVERYONE knows how horribly the music
industry had to suffer "technological advancement"...think about
it,...what that industry had to endure before they were able to
re-gain control over piracy (which is still rampant & DEVOURING
revenues)....Sony knows ALL TOO WELL since they have music
divisions. They did NOT, imv, want to go through that again
with their film division.

VERY IMPORTANT TO KEEP THIS IN MIND when looking at motivation,
actions, & the path Sony took & maintains whereas 4K is concerned.

So, Why is that significant now?

Well, for NanoTech there are MULTIPLE LAYERS of privacy
& ANTI-PIRACY protection built INTO the UNIT & DESIGN.

From the hardware NanoTech has chosen (showing me they thought
through this deeply- or got lucky) to the software, encoding,
process, content storage location, access, etc..

Suffice it to say that NTEK's 4K Streaming Media Players DO
NOT MAKE, ALLOW, or STORE ANY FILES locally....where pirates
can have access &/or begin transmission for replication.

NTEK has thoughtfully maintained content nearest to where the
information is the MOST SECURE. The bottom-line is that NTEK's
engineered a system that is as secure AGAINST PIRACY as any
that is currently under use. A big concern for a company like
Sony which was HEAVILY INVESTED in the Music Industry & watched
DECADES of profit go WASTED as piracy reigned in the music
business for YEARS!!!

Sony likes that. & just because a company has a name & resources
does not mean they don't make mistakes, act irrationally &/or
deploy their resources appropriately. Sony HAS NOT with 4K.

In trying to CORRECT a previous piracy issue they CREATED
tons more with their latest MP iteration. That is the logical
conclusion my DD conveys. A company bitten HARD & DEEP by piracy
in another heavily invested industry (music), KNOWING "content
is KING" works extra-hard to defend against the ravages of
piracy (& a repeat performance) by keeping their content "in-house",
exclusive, super-encrypted & with multiple safe-guards...that
also invested MILLIONS in a product that does NOT work with
their OWN 4K TV units!!! How's that for a BAD JOB!!!

It happens.

Now, why NTEK? Piracy, which I hope I have shown is ONE.

Now, keep in mind why Sony even entered into 4K. Research
who they are in 4K. Sony was THE FIRST to set up an in-house
production "company" that ONLY does 4K remastering work on
their OWN LIBRARY. They have been at it LONGER THAN ANYONE...

Clearly, the reason Sony started earlier than ANYONE is
because of MONEY, PROFIT, & the REALIZATION that the industry
is trending to 4K. So, Sony, after all this time has about a
150 film (maybe 200 by now) head start in ACTUAL MOVIES
they have remastered. But, if they spent MILLIONS on their
Media Player (& it WAS a DISASTER which doesn't even work
on all of their OWN devices) AND MILLIONS remastering content,
& they have NOT really contributed to GLOBAL 4K Expansion &
Adoption then, much money is this LIBRARY really

We know Sony charges $30.00 for a 4K "buy" & $8.00 for a "rental"
& we KNOW Sony saw the early signs of the 4K business & ACTED...
Only, they didn't get it right...Because the BOTTOM-LINE is
profits (or they will be forced to continue to liquidate
businesses, as they have of late, in order to STAY IN BUSINESS!!)
& Sony has not really extracted anywhere NEAR what they could
with 4K as they ought to. Perhaps Sony was WAY TOO CAUTIOUS
about 4K Piracy, but NO MATTER what the cause, 4K is moving
forward & Sony is clearly not where they ought to have been
this far down the road.

Enter NTEK. Forgetting about The Nuvola Products for a minute
& rememeber NanoTech has an UltraFlix 4K Delivery Platform
with streaming technologies that can stream near-lossless
4K @ Sub-10Mbps if necessary (bitrate adaptability as proven
at CES & recently with Orange Telecom & Akamai Technologies
at the NAB Show). Who else is a 4K Streaming Service Provider?

No one. NetFlix, so far, has announced they are streaming one
show in 4K: "House of Cards". They have not taken the position
of being a REPOSITORY for 4K & delivering EVERYONE'S 4K content.

No one has. Except for NanoTech. NanoTech has said & shown over
a DOZEN INTERNATIONAL Trade Shows: We can stream 4K, we can do it
at bit-rate savings (no caps, or monthly price increases for
most customers - especially since the average U.S. Internet
Streaming rates are now well over 10Mbps) so NTEK is ensuring

Safely. Cost-effectively. Streaming. 4K NOW!!

There are MANY ways to look at that facts & how NTEK has
positioned themselves in the burgeoning 4K Market Place.
The simplest is to ask, who is in the 4K Streaming Space
at the moment. Who has been to MORE Trade Shows, shown
their 4K-ability & proven themselves over the past year.

In just 3 MONTHS time NanoTech will have had 4K Streaming
Media Players out-to-market for testing, use, feedback,
refinement, customer support & experience for 12 MONTHS!!!

Who else can say this? We KNOW NanoTech continues to expand
their product, enrich the 4K experience, has been working &
modifying the interface, developing their 4K library, adding
titles, talent, content, products (some via acquisition like

So, if a company like Sony actually WANTS TO MAKE MONEY
on 4K & the comparatively VAST 4K-Film Library they now
have....Why NOT hire NanoTech?

We KNOW Sony has given NanoTech product to test? There is
EVIDENCE of NTEK doing comparative 4K film work with
"Ghostbusters" (a Sony product they VERY LIKELY remastered
themselves) so why GIVE IT TO NanoTech to compare NTEK's
4K remastering process? Why was NTEK found upscaling
Sony's "Total Recall" remake (with Colin Farrell) while
using a chip-based/embedded 4K Upscaling HDMI Cable they
were seen testing around June-August last year?

Sony films the USTA in 4K,...what was NTEK doing there?
Sony will deliver the Wrold Cup Finals in 4K...

I could go on & on but the bottom-line is Sony is HEAVILY
INVESTED in 4K: They sell 4K cameras, equipment, etc as
well let's remember, & yet they have FAILED MISERABLY
in leveraging the 4K content business into HUGE PROFITS.
NTEK can help Sony do this. Ask yourself one simple little
questions (yes, as little as the current NanoTech company):
Who else has proven they can help Sony leverage their 4K
content & make money? Who has been to ~15 Global Trade
Shows over the last 9 months demonstrating 4K viability?


From HUMBLE Beginnings: Launched w/ Seiki @ IFA Berlin, Germany 9.2013

To OUR Multi AWARD-WINNING Prototype Debut at CES in January 2014:

& LATEST PARTNERS: Akamai, Orange Telecom & Panasonic @ NABShow



U.S. Internet Streaming Rates CLIMBING!!!

SONY 4K Films NTEK has been connected to/witness as having "worked on":

UltraFlix 4K Delivery Platform GROWING!!!

SONY investing in 4K, USTA & MORE (World Cup coming soon!!):

Sony 4K Download Media Player Customer Reviews:



05/31/14 9:35 AM

#196590 RE: Steel Penny #196564

Steel Penny knows what time it is. He made his presence at the shareholder meeting well known as all shareholders will see when the meeting is released to watch.