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05/30/14 2:12 PM

#49639 RE: Mainesbest #49638



05/30/14 2:17 PM

#49641 RE: Mainesbest #49638

Looks like a 50/50 success/bankrupt proposition with the potential to 20x - 50x. Great EV if you can handle the possibility of going to zero. I can see many here have run out of patience and this is part of the reason it hit 0.0055. Someone is selling. PPS is reflecting shareholder behavior as much as it is reflecting BOD behavior.


05/30/14 2:36 PM

#49644 RE: Mainesbest #49638

You are correct that we have known for quite some time that we need a mill.
What has changed is the urgency for the mill. Prior to the trial shipments, many of us (Including management I believe) thought that it might be profitable to sell ore to generate revenues while the mill was being built. The fact that that didn't pan out is in large part the reason for our crisis mode today.

Also, lots of great questions for the CC about why we are spending money on offices when it could go towards a mill.



05/30/14 2:38 PM

#49646 RE: Mainesbest #49638

If this were my company, I'd put a handful of double-wides on the property for offices until I got a modest mill going. They don't need to do it all at once… design it modestly and in such a way that they can knock out a wall and add on later, once they see how much capacity they'll actually need, otherwise all you end up with is a big useless space sucking up your utility bills. Maybe our BOD should watch this:
lol. FLPC is the exact opposite of super-frugal, debt free SGLB (my "favorite" OTC… I know, I know…the adage…)


05/30/14 2:48 PM

#49649 RE: Mainesbest #49638

To be honnest , i didn't read your post till the end , as if i would read a 10 tomes dramatic fiction , i would not choose this one ...

Don't you think that everybody has understand your life-saving message and that maybe it could be time to stop your propaganda against the Management, to stop divide shareholders as we should rather be welded and united WITH our Management , and to start prepare your attendance at the upcoming CC ?

COO update next week >> 10Q >> Conference Call

By the way , in case you missed it , some words of wisdom ...