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05/29/14 3:17 PM

#63796 RE: Pocho69 #63794

I don't remember the person, but it was posted on Miningplay

and guess what , not a single person doubted it's validity. It is highly suspected that LP is an alcoholic, he certainly has a reputation in that regards. The story of the shareholder visiting him unexpectedly at the office was a prime example. When you considering his ability to lead shareholders astray with lie after lie, you realize that it fits the profile of an alcoholic perfectly. No remorse, guilt, or feelings that there are consequences to his behaviour. When understanding the last 6 months of lies about "nothing left to do but dot the i's and t's" it is important to see the context of LP 's sickness. The man is sick, that is clear. Will he get help? Probably not, but it does appear that decosta and friends have temporarily taken up the promotional baton. Thank god we have bald eagle to separate what's real, and what is a fantasy created by shills