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05/20/03 8:14 PM

#109558 RE: Captain_Jack #109556

OT If you want ultimate fishing exitement and difficulty, come out to the Washington or BC coast in February and go for Steelhead with fly gear....thats some tough fishin! Then to thaw out hop a plane for the Caymans and nail some Bones and Tarpin and drink beer :)


05/20/03 9:44 PM

#109576 RE: Captain_Jack #109556


Cap'n, you said:

basserdan-- bass,, fight? LOL! Nothing but bait and certainly not any more edible than carp or freshwater drum. Just a trash fish-- Lake Erie is loaded with small mouth & it is easy to catch up to 5#ers all day-- the question is why would anyone want to?

Why? Because it''s fun and within reach of us ordinary folk who aren't so fortunate to be able to troll back from the Canadian border in our new boats in search of kings and eyes.

I agree with you on the Great Lakes smallmouth situation.
No challenge there at all which is why I so favor the Largemouth variety (salmoides micropterus) over it's smaller cousin eight dsys a week.

And while I'd almost kill for a fresh caught shore lunch walleye filet, home fries and baked beans, I can't speak for the edibility of a bass vs that of a carp for I've never had the desire to sample either species. I would think that because of their distinct dietary preferences, that there would no taste similarities at all. For what it's worth, The bass mostly eats the same basic fare that the Kings and walleyes are known to covet.

And please don't tell me you eat 9# pound walleyes! Cretin! <GGG>

Lake Erie is Awesome! I was fortunate to fish a couple of tourneys there with a great walleye fisherman named Gary Roach (no relation to Stephen). Man, that guy could outfish a net. We made a few bucks while we were at it.
What a life.

One last thing, and I'm very sure about this....
The average fisherperson, properly equipped and crafted, and all other things being equal and while using artificial lures would doubtlessly catch their fill of kings and eyes.

Under the same terms, those same fisherpersons would be hard pressed to fill the daily five fish limit on largemouth bass in Florida, where I live.

Perhaps we could arrange a head to head home and home two man fishing tournament for some appropriate sum of money in which I'll fish on your boat against you in your home waters over a weekend for kings, walleyes or anything but bass and then you come down here and we fish mano a mano in my bass boat the next weekend for only bass and the one who catches the most total fish takes the money. Btw, cash would be preferred. LOL!

In all modesty, I figure I'd prolly hold my own in your waters and absolutely lay you out in lavender under the wiltingly hot laser-like sun and it's legendary attendant oppressive humidity.

One question:

My planer boards or yours?

If nothing else Cap'n, I've got a couple of good 8.5 partially collapsable planer board rods and a couple of good line counter reels (all like brand new) that I'd be willing to part with as they don't work down here.

It seems the bass are just to smart.

I know they work well up there in the land of beads and spinners.

Oh yeah! Did i mention the relative intelligence of the largemouth bass versus the ... Oh, never mind, I can see you are not easily convinced........ <vbg>

Good luck,
Dan the basserman


05/20/03 11:41 PM

#109593 RE: Captain_Jack #109556

"bass,, fight? LOL! Nothing but bait and certainly not any more edible than carp or freshwater drum. Just a trash fish-- "

Captain Jack...

LOL -- such comments show a lack of proper upbringing. Perhaps northern Largemouth bass (and the Smallmouth) have been rendered impotent and tasteless by living in the cold wastelands of yankeeland <gg>.

Give me a 5-8 pounder on the end of a flyrod anytime.
