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05/28/14 6:45 PM

#17153 RE: HanisT #17150

Dollars would be nice haha. TTD* is a swing trade, day trade stock. GRC* (TTD*) went down 24 percent today, tomorrow it may go up 24 percent. It appears that TTD* has product, I really don't know who's buying the damn HEMP beauty products, lotion or toothpaste, someone stupid is or gullible is. Too be honest I'm a stoner I would not buy the TTD* beauty products, toothpaste or HEMP aloe vera either. I'll rather buy a bag of og kush for 10 to 15 dollars a gram. On TTD*(GRC* now) has market value 61 million and AVOP has market value 10 million. AVOP has 10 billion shares outstanding and TTD* has 1.9 billion shares outstanding. That is why TTD* is at 2 cents. MJ stocks with financials don't mean shiiiit right now. But once these MJ stocks bring in financials where they are making money down the line, these MJ pink sheets will trade in dollars (the ones that are legit and survive). I'm giving it 5 to 10 years down the line IMO. MJ stocks trading at the price of 1 dollar, just imagine 4.5 million shares of AVOP(what I'm holding) hitting a dollar. That's a dream and fairy tale. Hell I'll sell at a penny or 2, that would make me very happy. AVOP has the potential...I'll be happy if they just copied TTD* and made their own subsisidary(LLC) that makes hemp beauty products. MJN* did the beauty products and hemp products before TTD*, look at MJN* now. Heck it's only 1000 dollars to create a LLC company and couple 100 if you file the paperwork your self. Look where MJN* is at, they at 18 cents. But MJNA is worth market value 175 million, 948 mil float. All MJNA did was create 8 companies (subsidaries, llcs or other word that can be substituted acquistions) under the blanket MJNA. In closing AVOP has the potential of MJNA if they play there cards right. The best thing AVOP can do to increase the share price is retire a couple billion shares or buy them back, it would be a lot quicker then creating subsidaries or aquiring companies. Sorry guys I had a epiphany today just had to get this off my chest. Let's get a discussion going dammmnit. As much as I want to pump AVOP, AVOP management needs to do their jobs and earn their money by working if they want to keep us shareholders happy.


05/28/14 6:54 PM

#17154 RE: HanisT #17150

AVOP ~ 100% agreed its all about potential and this baby has the potential IMO to run to a penny soon.