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05/26/14 9:57 AM

#42679 RE: Crow3 #42677

Cdex drives off a bridge

This arbitration decision created a financial strain on the Company and as such the Board of Directors was forced to find new sources of financing.

Blame them Rascals..say did'nt WADE, lead that charge?? LOL!! Say, wasn't money already short around the CDEX barn?? LOL!!

Now we're getting some where! You see that when cdex's monies ran short and wade wasn't getting his usaul cut of the spoils there was shall we say a disagreement among the principle thieves. With both Philips and Shriver making 200,000 plus each, wade thought that his contribution was more worthy since the load of story telling was heavily on the doctor credentialed "inventor". Well, Philips took exception to that crap (considering himself the biggest story teller) since the Valimed was doing better than expected at hospital placements, the CCT having had a big impact on sales and leases. The core structure of cdex was sound and the work force in place.

The bottom line was if you remember the "retirement" of wade by Philips, who was after all the CEO, and as such was making decisions in the best interests of cdex. Ole wade didn't even have time to grab his stuff, or any of the other valuable stuff. Just out the door!

So here comes the arbitration and the fight royal for who the biggest story teller is. The real events were taking place in the back ground with the bag holders who had backed both sides. Of those was the loser from the land of fruits and nuts, his inflated shares in cdex being used as a safe escape from his business failures and bankruptcies. Together with the other cash losers scheming to save themselves from the inevitable crash of cdex. Dump the debt holders! Grab the shell! Loan to own! Hell, make a call to Gemini if you have to! So here you are. Five employees and no products. Can't even maintain the older products.

And WHO caused the bankruptcy? Debt holders demanding payment? Not even close! That's like blaming your wreaked car on the bridge you drove off of.