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05/23/14 11:33 AM

#8055 RE: Robs911 #8049

I own a few shares of TLTFF as well. As CUIN said a while back "I like the story". However, if you think Titan is a spec stock, good luck with Thera. I bought some at .34 a few weeks ago, it tanked to .20 and bought a few more to avg. I was surprised to see Zacks jump in with an opinion, but I think that is helping the stock right now.

Personally, all my attention is on Titan right now and I'll check back on Thera in 6 months.

Just hoping we can close in a decent amount of green today w/ Titan. The sellers have got to dry up eventually...right?
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05/23/14 12:30 PM

#8060 RE: Robs911 #8049

Cold lasers really do not do anything more than shine a bright light on an area, real lasers act on water like a microwave oven and explodes the water in tissue thus cutting it, if there is no water in the tissue real lasers like I have do not work. My laser which cost about $90,000 can cut tooth structure without numbing (yes I'm a dentist) and my small lasers can cut thru tissue with ease but these are not "Quack lasers" read below

Stephen Barrett, writing for Quackwatch, concluded there was evidence to support LLLT use for temporary pain relief, but "there's no reason to believe that they will influence the course of any ailment or are more effective than other forms of heat delivery."[16]

The insurance company, Cigna, has reviewed the evidence for LLLT and concluded that it is still considered an experimental treatment. Therefore, Cigna does not provide coverage for it.[17]