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03/19/06 2:06 AM

#1442 RE: whyaskwhyca #1441

In case you can't open the site. Here is a little about Alda and Associates.

ALDA’s Business Model
ALDA & Associates International, Inc. is a business and financial consulting firm committed to assisting companies gain access to capital and maximize shareholder value. ALDA draws on the business experience of its associates gained from years as operators of businesses to provide an “execution outsourcing” model to assist companies develop, finance and execute the most effective and value enhancing strategies through a liquidity event.

Profit Improvement, Financial and Business Assistance
In today’s world, financial and business issues can rapidly overwhelm even the most astute managers. Financial planning, tax matters, and accounting and profit improvement issues are particularly complex. As a strategic partner, ALDA is uniquely qualified to assist you with those business issues. We become strategic partners with management, the Board of Directors and stakeholders.

Strategic Planning
ALDA can help you on the road to financial success by leading you through an assessment of your mission and assisting you in the development of a business plan to meet your goals. Strategic Planning is essential to any well-managed successful business, but even more so as businesses enter what promises to be a period of consolidation, regulation and turbulence.

How should facilities and working capital be financed? Assessing and determining the optimum capital structure of your company involves complex considerations, even before you address the challenge of successfully raising the capital. ALDA has been instrumental in determining appropriate capital structures and successfully raising the required funds for a long time. This has enabled us to develop strong relationships with institutions interested in financing businesses and helping companies to smoothly implement their business plans.

Mergers and Acquisitions/Post-Merger Integration
Whether you are thinking of acquiring or selling a business, ALDA can evaluate the financial consequences of your transaction. Through acquisition investigation and financial analysis, ALDA can measure the risk in a proposed merger or acquisition and develop specific recommendations as to what tactics would be most advantageous to you. Additionally, our consultants can help with the critically important post-merger integration planning and implementation, a process that is often overlooked when the deal is done.

Operations and Process Improvement
Processes and systems evolve over time to meet current crises. This leads to redundancies and inefficiencies created by necessity. ALDA reviews and identifies revisions to processes and procedures that will reduce redundancies and eliminate manufacturing bottlenecks, while promoting effective internal accounting controls.

Intellectual Property and Regulatory Affairs (FDA)
Early-stage Biotechnology, Life Science and Health Care companies (among others) may be strong in ideas but weak in execution. ALDA brings to bear a wide-range of professionals that specialize in the areas most critical for success. These include (1) the development of an intellectual property estate (through the patent process) and (2) navigating the maze of regulatory affairs and commercial approval (the Food and Drug Administration "FDA"). ALDA will assist in all the phases from concept to commercialization.

Interim (Crisis) Management
There are periods in the development of most businesses when they could benefit from specialized and experienced additions to their executive, operational and financial management teams on an interim basis. Engaging ALDA as your interim or part-time CEO, COO or CFO provides a short- or long-term solution to staffing needs. It can also provide seasoned assistance during times of stress and crisis. ALDA delivers innovative solutions to improve profitability, maximize cash flow and deliver value to all the stakeholders.

Sales and Marketing Strategic Solutions
Many start-up and even mature companies often times require assistance in marketing their products and services, or their marketing programs have become stale over time. We can assist with the
• Expansion of your brand worldwide
• Enhancement of your image and reputation
• Positioning your brand equity
• Uncovering of niche market opportunities
• Provision of senior level management

A rare combination of talent, experience, ideas and enthusiasm, with a dedication and commitment to all clients.

Human Resources
Human resource programs can be an efficient, effective recruiting tool. Are yours? ALDA can assist in providing or developing employee benefit programs that will help reduce turnover and function as a recruiting tool in today’s tight labor market. Our assistance can help you ensure your plans are well-designed and in compliance with today’s complex laws.

Information Technology
Computer systems must be networked effectively to function as a productivity tool, otherwise they can be an obstacle to efficiency. ALDA can provide assistance in the design and performance of your computer network so that it helps your business rather than inhibiting productivity and demotivating employees.

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03/19/06 2:40 AM

#1443 RE: whyaskwhyca #1441

Wow! ALDA wanted to buy WHAI for 42.5 million!
Docket 139 and 140 is the same. Thanks PACER, you ripped me off! LOL!
ALDA is supporting Palisades et al. to stop the auction.
The BOD at WHAI REALLY have stuff to hide by not wanting/letting anybody else buy the company!!
I hope they stick it to those f—ckers!

If ALDA buys WHAI then they would restructure/refinance the company right?
That is what they do right? The shareholders would not get the shaft right?

Thanks whyaskwhyca! Man I completely missed that!
Here is a complete list of the titles of the dockets from February 20th to March 17th
There are 170 in all.
Any other ones that look interesting?

03/14/2006 139 Affidavit of Alda & Associates in Support of Objection of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors to the Debtors' Emergency Motion for Authority to Incur Post Petition Secured and Super-Priority Indebtedness (related document(s)47, 9 ) Filed by OFFICIAL COMMITTEE OF UNSECURED CREDITORS (Cleary, M. Blake) (Entered: 03/14/2006)

03/14/2006 140 Affidavit of Alda & Associates in Support of Objection of the Offical Committee of Unsecured Creditors to the Motion of the Debtors for Entry of Orders Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Sections 105, 363, and 365 (A) Authorizing and Scheduling an Auction at Which the Debtors Will Solicit the Highest or Best Bid for the Sale of the Assets Comprising All or Substantially All of the Debtors' Assets; and (B) Approving Bid Procedures Governing the Proposed Sale (related document(s)22, 137, 120 ) Filed by OFFICIAL COMMITTEE OF UNSECURED CREDITORS (Cleary, M. Blake) (Entered: 03/14/2006)

03/16/2006 160 Notice of Appearance and Request for Special Notice Filed by Alda & Associates International, Inc.. (Lamb, Kevin) (Entered: 03/16/2006)

03/17/2006 165 Affidavit/Declaration of Service of Kimberly A. Beck, Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP Regarding Affidavit of Alda & Associates in Support of Objection of the Offical Committee of Unsecured Creditors to the Motion of the Debtors for Entry of Orders Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Sections 105, 363, and 365 (A) Authorizing and Scheduling an Auction at Which the Debtors Will Solicit the Highest or Best Bid for the Sale of the Assets Comprising All or Substantially All of the Debtors' Assets; and (B) Approving Bid Procedures Governing the Proposed Sale (related document(s)140 ) Filed by OFFICIAL COMMITTEE OF UNSECURED CREDITORS (Edwards, Erin) (Entered: 03/17/2006)