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03/18/06 7:34 PM

#232178 RE: HansenC #232173

Thanks Hansen. I understand what you are saying but here is the million dollar question. Frank Olsen was gay. He had Scott Withers in a top management role at the Q. It was billed as the station built by gays for gays. So where was all that loyality you are talking about. Where were the hundreds of thousands or millions of individuals from gay communities across the nation, calling up their carriers and demanding the Q? Where were all those people in areas that carried the Q subscribing to the channel?

IMHO, if the programming is good and it is something the glbt community want, it won't matter if Fan and Carol are gay or straight. I would also think when presented with a choice between the situation now and how it was in the past, the community would prefer a gay network run by honest, ethical people rather than one run by a fat, gay crook.

Finally, Fan may in fact appoint a top executive who happens to be gay. It doesn't sound like he wants Scott Withers but there may be someone else who he is a fan of. No pun intended. Z
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03/18/06 7:36 PM

#232180 RE: HansenC #232173

So what are your thoughts on LOGO and HERE!

Graden and Colichman are both gay right?

What do you think about those networks as far as their overall growth so far?

do either of them have long-term potential in your opinion?
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03/18/06 8:35 PM

#232230 RE: HansenC #232173

Apparently Q's programming lineup wasn't strong enough when there were 'gays' in charge. So that doesn't seem to be a prerequisite. I suspect gays are people like everyone else. Wouldn't you agree?
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03/18/06 8:59 PM

#232240 RE: HansenC #232173

I here Elton John was to busy.
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03/18/06 9:29 PM

#232251 RE: HansenC #232173

HensenC my question to you - is Sumner Redstone gay and he owns viacom, who owns MTV, WHO OWNS what's your agenda?
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03/18/06 9:37 PM

#232253 RE: HansenC #232173

ok mr SW and friends. If you really want to support the community then stop killing it. Lloyd and Carol knows who and where to bring in the right talent. I know because I have a crystal ball and you dont. All you have is maybe just a gruddddy boy inside. I promise you this, you will thank them someday for putting together the right team. I'm buying as much stock as I can afford. I've seen these things and no doubt stock will rocket to pluto.