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05/21/14 7:15 PM

#25360 RE: kel3 #25359

Fellow posters,

For the last 2-3 quarters,we have not been very happy about the level of management's communications with us - retail share holders.
This has led to alienation of the retail shareholders and a significant drop in the companies share price. The lack of heads up on the GAAP required adjustment interim updates on quarterly performance are some of the sources of shareholders dissatisfaction with management.
Normally, retail shareholders have had very few avenues for having their voices heard .....usually in the form of venting off on boards such as this one.
I would like us to reconsider this crude and ineffective method of expressing our grievances to management.
Would posters be willing to consider putting our minds, efforts and resources together to find like minded institutional investors to help promote changes in company governance polices that would bring more transparency to management's actions?
A review of posters on this board clearly indicated to me that we have members with legal, accounting, research abilities and goodwill to put together a team that would draft a short letter to management demanding a meeting in order to set up communication standards aimed at regularly and honestly informing ordinary shareholders of the companies performance.
Secondly we should task a group to make contact with institutional investors to help leverage our holdings so that it has a positive effect on decisions by management.
I for one I am tired of having taken this company to dance at great cost and sacrifice only to be told that I am ignorant.
If you really care about the future of this company think about the ideas in this post and contribute to help make this a reality.