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05/19/14 1:05 PM

#193075 RE: stringofpearls #193069

Share price WILL go up when it's not so easily manipulated. Look at the charts, it's so blatantly obvious that the prices are being manipulated on a constant basis. Honestly if I had more money right this second, I would spend every penny of it on extra shares of NTEK. It's ridiculously undervalued right now, and it absolutely will be at a much higher level in a very short amount of time.


05/19/14 1:13 PM

#193081 RE: stringofpearls #193069

Not if they are still planning share buy back!


05/19/14 1:20 PM

#193089 RE: stringofpearls #193069

stringofpearls wrote:

the average, investigative investor is BAFFLED at NTEK's
future, especially when speculative MJ stock scams are running 5000%
every other week for the last 4 months

& a NEW POT stock gets SHUT DOWN BY THE SEC each WEEK,
& lately near-daily it seems. COMPLETE SHAREHOLDER WIPEOUT
of Capital.

Meanwhile,... NanoTech is up Y-O-Y for the LAST TWO YEARS!!!

Stable, company is ADDING VALUE, ADDING PRODUCTS & generating
revenues,...not hype, false hopes, fake dreams, etc..

NTEK is adopted by Akamai, Orange Telecom, Ericsson, Sony,
Qualcomm & others using NEW NTEK Technologies & products
getting ready for release by the 2014 Holiday Season.

While NTEK is PAYING DIVIDENDS & building a business at
over a DOZEN Trade Shows building awareness, consumer
base & interest, POT STOCKS have been SLAMMING DOORS
on investors capital: Courtesy of the SEC!!!




05/19/14 1:47 PM

#193122 RE: stringofpearls #193069

Problems associated with stocks are tied to manipulation. Should be criminal to do what MM's and brokerages do but nobody ever gets caught or prosecuted. Just look at the misinformation in some of these posts!

the average, investigative investor is BAFFLED at NTEK's future, especially when speculative MJ stock scams are running 5000% every other week for the last 4 months

Most MJ stocks are scams and are being manipulated up and NTEK is not a scam and is being manipulated down. That's why you have to be long on this investment. Most stocks in the OTC are just trading stocks and not investments.