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05/19/14 12:56 PM

#91711 RE: Ask kicker #91708

I'm in TOTAL agreement with you! In fact, I believe that EVERYTHING is timed for this show.

I'm ALL IN and holding on tight! In fact, I've accumulated about 6 million more shares than I thought was going to be my max. My max WAS 10, now I'm at 16 million and thinking about more.... If money is in the mail, then more shares will be in my account. I'm playing with inherited money and it doesn't come all in one check, but about a dozen.



05/19/14 2:25 PM

#91716 RE: Ask kicker #91708

Hi, AK! This is exactly the same kind of logic that I used when Berge came out with the announcement about his wanting to open his first flagship store. That's why I personally thought that his announcement was so positive! And that's also why I used the analogy & comparison about McDonald's Hamburger Stores: They had to start out with the first one, just like BERGE wants to. And they did. And just look at where they are today! So, again I say it: LORD willing, if BERGE wants it bad enough, and if the LORD helps him & blesses him, that it can happen for him, too. Only time will tell the end of this story. IMHO. In the mean time, we must patiently wait for more positive developments to come to pass.

''I remain confident that exciting times are ahead. If Berge truly didn't think he'd have the funds to open his own store, do you think he'd plan on opening one? Someone who's nearly broke doesn't go out and buy a new car, nor does someone open a flagship store if they know their sales revenues won't support it. Note payoff and deals are coming, just don't know the exact timing.''

Sincerely, Jaime


05/19/14 2:48 PM

#91718 RE: Ask kicker #91708

I guess the biggest question is why did he reduce liabilities if his only intention is to scam shareholders? If I'm going to belly up, would I pay my credit cards? I don't think so. If Berge were a scammer he would have increased liabilities just to mask revenues and dump a ton of shares in the market. He is not the brightest CEO on earth, I give you that, but at least he is trying.