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03/17/06 2:34 PM

#26223 RE: Ixse #26221

But, Vista will be both 32b and 64b. It will require at least a very good DirectX9 video card to show off the new UI. Most intel laptops come with crappy Intel Integrated Video which won't show the new Vista UI.

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03/17/06 4:54 PM

#26233 RE: Ixse #26221

Re: Well Osborne didn't believe in Osborning either. And as for your argument that the news about Merom and siblings might not be widespread enough outside the US to enable significant Osborning I disagree as through the internet and every local IT magazine on earth they're touted as the coolest news the biggest chip company on earth has had for years.

Let's say the number of PC enthusiasts reading the technical trade press close enough to have an informed opinion about tomorrow's processor performance is about 500,000 people world wide (I think this is being generous). And let's say about half of these people originally planned to buy a computer in the next year (250,000). Now take the 80% or so who are inclined to buy an Intel PC (200,000), and another 80% who are swayed to wait until Q3 instead of needing one right now. Now we are down to 160,000. That's 0.4% of the market that Intel services - per quarter (feel free to argue any of these figures). So I will say again that the Osbourne effect should impact sales only slightly.

Re: On top of that Vista is big news too and it has apparently began to be a reason to buy a cheap 64b alternative in notebooks instead of an expensive 32b dual core (just to be sure you can run tomorrows software) which implies that people know 32b is outdated because of what is due to come soon.

Given the number of Centrino Duo machines that already sport a "Ready for Windows Vista" logo, I find this comment highly speculative bullsh!t. Consider the source (Digitimes). They are more often wrong than right.