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TMMI Believer

05/19/14 1:38 PM

#9005 RE: Frackedup #9002

Fracked up

OH yeah Bill where is your come to the defence of with all your old regurgitating of past old facts.
Hope you managed to sell all your shares.Maybe you have that is why you are quite here
Again for sure Bill you me and Fracked have read all documents and like i said you want to shine to tell the truth i put to you like Fracked show me the one document showing corp merger!!!
Not emails or people saying we are going to do it.
Actual corporarate documents which public companies would have to file for it to take place.
Ah Yes again they don't so you can't.
I am so glad to keep hearing you guys say its a slam dunk which was supposed to happen on the first day of court.
Hmmm so sad to bad

You keep forgetting to mention that you are the ones with the stolen tech!!
Stolen technology via a made up represented merger that never actually took place.
This is what you represented to MediaBin to have the existing officers sign off on the giving you a copy.
Again all misrepresented via the supposed merger of on 29 investors who money you then hijacked from the other TMMI holders thru stock fraud in your own pump and dump scheme.
Raised the 500k needed then the whole down hill spiral starts right thru to today.
So spin and twist it how ever you wish.
I wonder what would happen if the so called Patent office who did years of DD on Dimension supposed tech.
I wonder if there is any thing that can be down with this overall scenario which is very wrong
You expect me to believe that after all the lies you have blatantly told here.
Prove to me where is in the court documents listed.
Give me dates and or page numbers from evidence that has been submitted.
I will then go to that page and Prove you wrong.
OH YEAH you cannot because it does not EXIST
Lets see if we can start telling truths.


05/19/14 7:11 PM

#9023 RE: Frackedup #9002

You have attacked me more then once calling me a liar, when I have always posted the truth and that's your response to me; Where's your new lead lawyer, still reading 1000,s of emails of hearsay along with court documents. I wonder if he has found the transcript that the past lead attorney admitted by saying ' it could of happen' or maybe he can find the legal document showing the merger or what the Judge called it addendum!!. BOOYAH!!. We all know the other three lawyers couldn't find it and their lead lawyer jumped ship because he knew he was beat. What about those LOI's and those friends of Larry Panik with deep pockets. Guess what, you can go has deep as you want, but you will never, ever find that one document that keeps TMMI from shelving the old codec. You posted: "lot of bolded and underlined words to say NOTHING"LLOLs here's SOMETHING That first patent from 2007 is tainted,morally corrupt? and whether or not you chose to believe it; That patent will get shelvedTMMI owns outright VDK SoftVideo fractal compression technology that utilizes fractal video compression and decompression algorithms originally licensed from Iterated System Inc.. Image Quality, Bandwidth, Storage, Speed and Energy are the 5 circles in TRUDEF™ digital video Venn diagram. The circles may vary in size according to the industry. One constant is that TRUDEF will always be in the sweet spot. Considering cinema, sports, broadcasting, defense, security, space and education, this may develop into a trillion dollar global market. TMMI TRUDEF moves onward and upward Worldwide!!.