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05/16/14 9:52 PM

#217554 RE: Hollyk #217536

Very nice! Bluntly to the truth. Like your personal experience to support your point.


05/16/14 10:14 PM

#217557 RE: Hollyk #217536

Hollyk, your post is really helpful to understand what actually happened before the recession in 2008.


05/17/14 10:15 AM

#217625 RE: Hollyk #217536



Keep on truckin

The truth will win out


05/17/14 4:01 PM

#217715 RE: Hollyk #217536

Holly, this is an excellent letter and should be sent to all of congress. It's high time the truth be told to all our government representatives.

One comment, I would refrain from beginning your letter with "Allow me to enlighten you" as it insinuates addressing a person of lower intelligence. I could possibly see them insulted and tossing the letter without reading further. Other than that, looks perfect! Keep following up until you get a personalized response.

I don't appreciate that Ms Feinstein sent me a form letter, I think she's gonna be new new pen pal

Dear Senator Feinstein,

Allow me to enlighten you.

In an interview in July of 2008 (at which time Fannie Mae's stock was valued at less than $10, down from $65.73 a year earlier), Barney Frank said the following about Fannie Mae:

"I think this is a case where Fannie and Freddie are fundamentally sound, that they are not in danger of going under. They're not the best investments these days from the long-term standpoint going back. I think they are in good shape going forward. They're in a housing market. I do think their prospects going forward are very solid. And in fact, we're going to do some things that are going to improve them." (Source)

Then this from the New York Times 2/15/2014

This month, an internal United States Treasury memo that outlined this restriction came up at a forum in Washington.

The memo was addressed to Timothy F. Geithner, then the Treasury secretary, from Jeffrey A. Goldstein, then the under secretary for domestic finance. In discussing Fannie and Freddie, the beleaguered government-sponsored enterprises rescued by taxpayers in September 2008, the memo referred to “the administration’s commitment to ensure existing common equity holders will not have access to any positive earnings from the G.S.E.’s in the future.”

I don't need to be a lawyer to know this is fraud, you don't allow a company to trade if you intend to take all the profits. I find it very disturbing that no one has been prosecuted, could this be a case of too rich to jail? I think so. Odd Eric Holder is not addressing Barney Frank's statement, Timothy Geithner's memo or any of the banks who's greed caused this enormous crisis. I want my stock re-listed on the NYSE and I want C-ship to end, Fannie is a profitable company that is being pillaged by this corrupt administration, and it has to end.

Furthermore telling part of the truth is still lying. Fannie was bailed out to save too big to fail banks, that out of greed made sub-prime loans to people who would never and in some cases never intended to repay them. In June 2005 I called my mortgage holder Citibank and requested a line of credit. Over the telephone they appraised my home at $630,000!!!!, and wanted me to borrow $400,000!!!!, however I only needed $75,000 so that's what I borrowed. I would never have been able to re-pay that amount of money and being a responsible adult saw no reason why I should take a loan that I'd never be able to re-pay on a house that was not worth $630,000. These garbage loans were pushed off on Fannie and Freddie. So falling back on "Fannie wouldn't exist if we didn't bail them out" is not the truth, Fannie would not have needed any help without sub-prime lending standards. This is not a communist country and turning your head to this kind of lawlessness is not acceptable.

In closing I want to remind you, not only am I a shareholder, but I'm a taxpayer, and constituent and I expect to be represented and not blown off with a " If we didn't help you you'd have nothing" form letter.

Very Truly



05/17/14 4:12 PM

#217716 RE: Hollyk #217536

Holly, I could not have said it better. You hit the key point right on the nose. Thank you for writing this letter and may you have much success with it. Best Regards.


05/18/14 1:52 PM

#217874 RE: Hollyk #217536

Hollyk this is the best letter i have seen to date!!!

All I can say is wow! Right to the point and straight foward. We should stickie this so all know what the truth is!

Thanks Hollyk for taking your time as a Shareholder and Taxpayer who cares about the Future of America!

We need more voices like this to state to these Politicians. ..

Fnma Fmcc

IL Padrino

05/18/14 2:07 PM

#217876 RE: Hollyk #217536

That's freaking awesome!


05/18/14 2:50 PM

#217882 RE: Hollyk #217536

Great letter Hollyk, do i have permission to circulate. have a few politicians in pa. i would like to send it to

I borrowed a letter a month ago from Mathan22 and sent it to
pat Toomey, i do believe he read it. Seems he was the only one on committee who had a true grasp of the issue ( takings )

I would like to believe the efforts of this board and others are making an impression.

for this very reason, i will continue to enlighten our elected officials of their duty to their constituents.

$ FNMA $