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05/16/14 6:40 PM

#369 RE: Peacefulwendy #368


welcome to the empty room. here you will find almost nothing.

Read thru my posts here from the last half year about BTX. it chronicles the collapse in share price, forecasted before it happened , predictable as it was.
I was smart enough to sell all my holding at break even at 4 dollar area, after seeing it FAIL to hold 4 dollar zone, several times.....I gave up on BTX.

I was invested in BTX since 2010, recommended highly by Patrick Cox in his biotech newsletter back others he recommended that collapsed, ISCO to name one....some went soaring back in 2009-2010, only to collapse horiffically, and BTX is one of those losers.

Good luck with your DD on BTX.

I cant imagine being invested in BTX and remaining 'peaceful'


05/17/14 3:56 PM

#370 RE: Peacefulwendy #368

What Tom fails to mention is BTX went to near 10 a little while after the cox reco. I sold and made a tidy profit, but kept a base to which i have recently added. Believe this stock to be every bit what cox said, just need a little patience for the so called "smart money" to realize whats happening here.

By the way, some other cox "dogs"

ARWR, reco under a dollar, recently hit 27

GALT, reco around 2, recently hit 22

CTIX, mentioned @ .32, has hit near $2.50, currently $1.70

PVCT, around 2, hit 6, currently @3, heading north.

People who don't understand his trading strategy lost money loading up big and expecting quick returns. His strategy clearly stated was buy and hold for years for transformational gains, and his recos have. The ones that have not like NNVC, BTX, and ISCO, am buying or at least holding and expect the same results if not better of these, and soon.

May take another year or two, or maybe months, but i expect biotime to be a huge player.

Good luck


05/18/14 3:02 PM

#374 RE: Peacefulwendy #368

BTX is a development stage company.
Check insiders holdings and good record of minimizing dilution. Check Near term income bearing products. Check IP highground in the field of Stem Cells.

I believe BTX will be the Intel of stem cells. & I believe stem cells will revolutionize medicine.

We will see health tourism to countries who will use stem cells medicine to regenerative hearts, joints, liver, etc. Massive megatrend.

The thesis is slowly accumulating stock now, and participating in the next huge wave of medicine. Just before the Near term income kicks in. Maybe 2015, 2016.

Per my calculations, think 500 billion $ Cap. Easily.

It is not for trader, though. And be ready to buy and hold for the next 5 years before any thing significant happen.

With thousands of stem cell clinical tests and related research rolling, when the investing public wakes up to the potential which will be realized when Phase 3s start to wrap up and Big pharma realize they must get into the field, the serious, life changing upside will be removed.

I have been holdings and accumulating over the Last 5 years. I sleep extreemly well seeing what Dr West and Co. Has achieved so far. I cant wait for the Near term projects mature.

In short, speculative, but little can take you extreemly long way.

Good luck!