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king yukon

05/15/14 6:11 PM

#140383 RE: Milo2 #140376

I hate it when everything is turning GREEN, was going to today nut didnt squeez. My CANADIAN situation are still in a hold as the recent Court decision is going into an appeals, then on my very heavy oil investments they are contesting until further notification inre, fracking. I feel like i am in a jail looking at a laptop that only lets me looksee in my acct and my equities but cannot type in buy or sells, something like that. If i sell i will lose a big payday i/on both equities. It was close though but no cigar. Not gonna lie so as for now i missed my first 30 million tranch of $LBSR$. The moon has set and the sun will rise nut not on my timeframe. Somebody posted here in the last few days to expect anything to happen at any time and always expect the best. Thats where i am at under Gods providence. I was chomping at the bit down there @.011~@.012 zone. However my stuff is VERY GREEN IN ITS TIME! I bought into some stuff in 2008 and have held these years now, out of my hands but i trust in time that even DOLLARVILLE wont be any thing of a deterrant for me to buy $$~LBSR~$$. My pos count is very high here and hold is my planning for the moment.