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05/14/14 3:39 PM

#15285 RE: Helter Skelter #15283



05/14/14 3:53 PM

#15292 RE: Helter Skelter #15283




05/14/14 3:53 PM

#15293 RE: Helter Skelter #15283

They are going to learn the hard way:)Only blind cannot see that this is scam.Running 1 server at a hash rate at 0.03??? And communicating to shareholders through their btcpool web:?)That is funny..tomorrow 10q due.Market on the brink of or at most july.imho


05/14/14 3:59 PM

#15297 RE: Helter Skelter #15283

MELY'$ deal with Classic Capital is legit, got an email from the Belize companies registry GOV dept, so, get ready folks, this company is serious.


05/14/14 4:05 PM

#15301 RE: Helter Skelter #15283


Helter Skelter

05/15/14 1:01 PM

#15499 RE: Helter Skelter #15283

MELY...once a scam always a scam...

The pump effort, however, seems to be having a positive effect of their stock for now. We can't really tell if insiders are paying for the promotions or if it is some investor tired of waiting for the company to start making some actual profit that has decided to dump his stock. The second proposition seems unlikely, so we are guessing that Mr. Brett Everett has adopted the methods of the company's former president Edward Manetta who was listed as the paying 3rd party in previous pumps for the company.
Link > to quote above

Link > MELY's Edward Manetta.

Paying 3rd party? Documented? SEC will be all over that! Sweet!

Scam me once shame on me, scam me twice shame on me, lOl...

Has anyone called MELY "CEO" Everatt?

Link > Which scam?

Did you see the preferred shares to common shares MASSIVE DILUTION ratio?


9,000,000,000,000,000 (9Q), lOl...

Note...they did lower the preferred shares AS to 50,000,000.

Link > (2.25Q)

Preferred shares currently OS converts to 4.95 TRILLION (4.95T) smelly MELY common shares.





MELY NT 10-Q: 5-day extension I'm willing to bet, is due to the intellectual property being counted in for the Q.

Nope. Q ended March 31st. Even by MELY's scammy acquisition hadn't occurred yet. Just late because...they're considering going dark. Very dark.

Helter Skelter

05/20/14 3:12 PM

#16443 RE: Helter Skelter #15283

Direct Capital Group Inc (jon fullenkamp, last known president) and...the other...battered...smashed...scam...plays...

...this is what is going to happen to my exquisitely-studied, lOl, opinion.

Direct Capital Group Inc is one of MELY's financiers.

They get smelly MELY shares @ $0.00001 (yes, 4 zeros).

$16,000 gets them 1,600,000,000 shares (1.6B smelly MELY shares).

They (Direct Capital Group) are "owed" somewhere near 13 billion smelly MELYs.

Link > Around 13 BILLION

Fullenkamp was Grid Petroleum's CEO.

Syndication Capital LLC is one of GRPR's financiers.
They (Syndication) have the same office address as Direct Capital Group Inc.

MELY, GRPR and SRGL all have the same UPS Store (different mailboxes) as their office addresses.

MELY...following in the exact...footsteps...of GRPR and SRGL...


I can say no more...

MELY #172, GRPR #176 and SRGL #162 "offices" at The UPS Store:

There's no mystery who is selling, flipping and churning.

None at all.

By the way...MELY's 10Q is due today. Five calendar days after the due date (May 15th).

Watch him POUND the bid...RIP's just a matter of time.

Helter Skelter

05/21/14 3:09 PM

#16796 RE: Helter Skelter #15283

The float is over 1 billion 300 million. So is the OS.

That's my educated opinion. And it is spot on.

The TA is gagged for a reason.

You'll notice, from the chart below, that on May 2nd, ~152 million shares traded, May 5th, ~189 million shares traded, May 6th, ~128 million shares traded, May 7th, ~49 million shares traded and on May 8th, ~119 million shares traded. The following two days, May 9th and May 12th, another ~111 million shares traded.

It is my contention that MELY cut off the report date for the OS at May 2nd, early morning, lOl, because they dumped some 2-3 hundred million "newly mined shares", lOl...into the OS and the float/marketplace...the following week or two...May 2nd to May 12th...approximately 748 million shares traded..."they" slipped in another 300 million shares, easily...into the float/, it wasn't shorts, it wasn't "big ihub holders" getting out, holding the pps was, most likely...Direct Capital Group Inc...whose last known president was jon fullenkamp...the presumed recipient of potentially billions and billion and billions of smelly MELY shares.

The 10Q, besides confirming my incredibly accurate estimation of the float/OS, also revealed the further, future, massive dilution of the share structure. Take a look at this little blurb from the 10Q:

In one month, April to May, ~325 million shares were issued. In one month.

In three months, January to April, ~464 million shares were issued. That's an average of ~155 million shares per month.

~789 million shares in four months.


It gets worse. It's ongoing, never ending...corporate's another two Direct Capital Group notes (there's more that were transferred, etc, but no need to get into those...I'll follow that trail and let all know where it leads if we don't already know/have a very good idea):

Direct Capital Group Note #19

On February 28, 2014 the Company entered into a Convertible Promissory Note with Direct Capital Group in the sum of $16,000. The promissory note is unsecured, bears interest at 8% per annum, and matures on September 1, 2014. The Conversion Price shall mean par .00001 multiplied by the number of Common Stock converted at the time.

$16,000 @ $0.00001 per share equals another 1,600,000,000 shares (1.6B shares).

Direct Capital Group Note #20

On March 31, 2014 the Company entered into a Convertible Promissory Note with Direct Capital Group in the sum of $16,000. The promissory note is unsecured, bears interest at 8% per annum, and matures on October 1, 2014. The Conversion Price shall mean par .00001 multiplied by the number of Common Stock converted at the time.

$16,000 @ $0.00001 per share equals another 1,600,000,000 shares (1.6B shares).

3.2B more shares...from the two Direct Capital Group Inc...@ $0.00001 per share.

They'll sell all day @...200x their cost...200 x $0.00001 = $0.002. Sweet.

The CEO can thank me for this, below, lOl...

On May 15, 2014, the Company entered into an Employment Agreement (the “Agreement”) with Brett Everett (“Mr. Everett”) an individual. Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Mr. Everett shall serve as the Corporation’s President and Chief Executive Officer and shall assume such other positions as reasonable requested by the Board of Directors, commencing on May 15, 2014 for a term of one (1) year, During the term of this agreement termination can be done by giving one month’s written notice of termination or at the discretion of the Company, payment in lieu of notice (based on the Contract Rate, as defined below, for one month), or some combination thereof.. In exchange for his services, Mr. Everett shall receive a monthly salary of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) which may be converted into shares of the Company’s common stock, at the sole discretion of the Company, per the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Mr. Everett will also receive a Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollar ($5,500) signing bonus for agreeing to the contract with the Company.

I know, I's only $3,000 per month...but, frankly...he's really not qualified for any more...and...I'm not totally convinced that said character actually exists, lOl...

Link > Nadia scores for CEO, lOl...

You get what you pay for. We ALL know who's really running this pos company. Speaking of...who's doing the mining? I never hear mention of his illustrious name. Why not? Who is it? Does anyone know? I do. Anyone else know?

Here's another clue. Even with 100 "server-miners"...there's absolutely NO GUARANTEE that MELY will even mine one bitcoin. Did you all know that?

I bet they don't get this..."enterprise".

If they do...does anyone want to guess what month they get their first one?

I say, "Never."

MELY would be better off, if it was a real company, and so would the MELY shareholders be...if MELY simply took the shareholders' monies and bought contracts from this real mining company...they won't allow MELY to mine one bitcoin...not a's just NOT meant to be...MELY = FAIL.

Link > And the winner is...

Anyone that thinks that the "servers actually mine bitcoins" needs to read this:

Link > Early bird gets the bitcoin one else...definitely not MELY...I guarantee it, lOl...

By the way...did you know that MELY is already in violation of their IP/Asset acquisition agreement "conditions"?

Yep. MELY sure appears to be...check it out...funny stuff...

2,500,000,000 AS minus 1,007,441,454 OS = 1,492,558,546 shares left.

Oops, lOl...

Link > MELY violates Classic Capital Inc agreement within weeks...

This egregious violation of the agreement indicates to me that the acquisition company is FAKE...along with the alleged address in Belize, also FAKE, lOl...

That's all the time that I've got for now, lObster beckons... ;)