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05/14/14 1:21 PM

#118219 RE: deafelephant #118217

Deaf, instead of focusing on the near term pre- license
inspection of Building 1, which is taking place soon,
and has no zoning issues, he focuses and rightly argues,
issues, but that is not so near term.

He was one sided, in my opinion to shine more light on SPRW#.


05/14/14 1:26 PM

#118224 RE: deafelephant #118217

That is what I am trying to establish. The city is saying that they don't have anything beyond permits for an agricultural storage facility. This is far from a manufacturing facility. I have no doubt that what he says is possible, but this whole thing might be 5 years away. So why doesn't Bill come out and say exactly what permits he has now, what he is planning to do regarding permits in the future and any other facts that he is able to release to the public.

Like I said, when I raised questions (in a polite manner) on his facebook page, he banned me. When someone bans you for speaking your mind and raising questions, you have the question to quality of the investment. I am not a basher, I deal in facts and figures to get to the bottom line. I listen to all sides of the story and then try and back up words with facts (building permits, etc). Pumpers like to pump and they also like to make sure that there are no negative posts/comments that could adversely affect their overall plan of making money from other people. I am not saying that is what is going on here, I am just saying that it's strange that if someone raises a question, they get banned.

It's also strange when all of the comments on your "open and honest" facebook page are positive and consist of things like "GO FITX GO" and "Bill knows what he's doing", etc.

Make up your own minds, but something is not right here. It may simply be the timeframe, but be honest about the timeframe. It could take 6+ months to get a permit for a grow facility. Don't make it seem like this facility will be producing within the next 6 months because I don't this it will. I don't think it will be producing this YEAR. Guys, keep this post and prove me wrong. I would love for it to start producing and everyone on this board throws this post right back in my face. The facts simply don't support what the claims are.

Do your own homework and come to your own conclusions. Please don't get caught up in the hype and excitement that is being generated. Look at other stocks in this sector that were thought to be solid with tangible assets and products. Where are they now? Their people were vocal and excited about the times ahead too.


05/14/14 2:11 PM

#118247 RE: deafelephant #118217

I'd see one "fact" as a glaring mis-print that no one seems to get
right.. Approved for a 60,000SF building when the 27K and 53K equal
80,000SF. I would doubt they would build and renovate to have 20K
of building unapproved. First it was 6,000, now it's 60,000.. too
many inconsistencies in the press there. Makes it hard to believe
anything written.

I'm sure things have been spun to just be on the edge of truth or
can be perceived different ways. Just like anything, you can ask a
question a certain way to get the desired answer that fits what you
are trying to make people believe. But if the question was asked
differently it would support the oppositions claims.. All about
spinning over nothing at this point to me.

Things will get done as they get done. No long term investor should
have any issues if they believe it will happen at all. It's just the
ones that want a quick in and out that any of this matters to.