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terry hallinan

05/15/14 6:36 AM

#281 RE: teraphim #280

Hi, Teraphim.

The market is always high on far more powerful drugs than marijuana or even the like of heroin and other addictive drugs with which the drug warriors have classified marijuana: greed and fear.

When a longtime drug bust moved away from Al Capone's old headquarters and changed its name so it could start over as a virgin, INSY got a starring role in the sudden rash of IPO's because of the hot rumors of a marijuana connection that was soon forgotten as the story got old.

Meanwhile most of the "marijuana" stocks aren't. HEMP seemed the phoniest of the group when I bothered to look. Hemp is not marijuana and HEMP had neither marijuana nor hemp but only smoke.

INSY has a license and dispute with the owner of marinol, rechristened Dronabinol. Marinol is a synthetic cannibinoid that comes in pill form with lots of problems, including extreme potency that annoys even potheads. Plans to reformulate the drug are for the future but quite promising IMHO.

In the meantime, Subsys is where it's at and where it's at has been very good.

The current whitewater seems to me a ripple but I won't swear that INSY isn't caught in a riptide.

I am looking for a bottom to the current downdraft but I am not very good at finding them on a short term basis.

All JMO and would love to hear yours.

Best, Terry