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05/14/14 8:30 AM

#222557 RE: F6 #222550

Karl Rove was publicly humiliated in 2012 - next time the street-fighter will go all out, i.e. "does Hillary Clinton have brain damage?"


05/14/14 4:10 PM

#222561 RE: F6 #222550

Big Dog brushes back Rove smear

Wed May 14, 2014 at 11:30 AM PDT
by Jed Lewison

This might just be the best thing ever to come out of the Pete Peterson Foundation: Former President Bill Clinton, swatting away Karl Rove's new smear '[ ] that Hillary Clinton has brain damage because of a pair of sunglasses she wore after a brief hospital stay. (Never mind that she'd been wearing the same frames for years.)

"First of all, I've got to give [Rove] credit," Clinton told moderator Gwen Ifill.
Rove's smear "embodies that old saying that consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." Because:

First they said she faked her concussion. And now they say she's auditioning for a part in The Walking Dead


The former president also quipped
[ ] that if Rove's brain damage smear is right, then "I must be in really tough shape because she is still quicker than I am."

Clinton also addressed GOP attacks over Benghazi:

As it turns out, there were 20 attacks in which 87 people were killed, including three U.S. civilians and 21 embassy or consulate workers, yet somehow Republicans never blinked an eye.

(A List of Deadly Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Diplomatic Targets Under President George W. Bush, 2001-2009 )

("During the George W. Bush period, there were 13 attacks on various embassies and consulates around the world. Sixty people died.")
John Garamendi on Monday, May 5th, 2014 in an interview on MSNBC's "The Ed Show" )


05/14/14 8:56 PM

#222567 RE: F6 #222550

Backroom boys clobber Rove, as 'can't tell' 991 soars to ..

Barack Obama won Ohio by 166,214 votes, final tally shows

but he was right on the TeaParty

So, Big Karl Rove is going after the Teabaggers__ Karl Rove takes on the tea party. Is a GOP civil war looming?

lol .. that one was 3rd from the bottom of yours .. 17 down .. yep, the GOP said, whoa! hey, that just ain't the way ..

There are legions of pragmatic conservatives stepping up to the plate to guide the party back onto the rails and rally voters behind a banner of conservative reform. You now see a crop of solid, electable Senate candidates. You see groups like the Chamber of Commerce engaging in primaries. And you see elected leaders, including House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and McConnell pushing back against nonsense spread by the far right. ..

.. yup, the far fringe of both left and right continue to fuck our rough, but only, nature gifted lives down ..