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05/14/14 1:18 AM

#74479 RE: spacehc #74476

"There is so much we are finding out the past few days that I'm beginning to wonder if a buy out is on the table."

yea right...a buy out is on the

"Several types of silk already made."

how about we make some fabric out of one of them (and there is only one) and, oh I don't know, maybe make some money or something?..

"Looks like SSM is back in the fold."

says who?..someone who got whispered to?..

"WM takes the time to help MDHI improve the silk WM needs."

I don't even know what you are talking about here...

"New office help."

yea..some chick got hired..what a coup..

"Can produce metric tons."

another whisper?..cause the last I saw, they claimed to still be on track..

"Have found the place to get the best results for the farming, Vietnam."

well, its a place alright..don't know why anyone would consider it the "best" place..

"Investors site."


"Great things being found out by investors , not pr's."

I don't think investors are finding out as much as they think...its more like reading 3 words from a pr and turning them into visions of grandeur..

"All parties would have to keep the lid on a buy out, and it is sure starting to smell like one."

well, theres definitely a smell..


05/14/14 8:14 AM

#74485 RE: spacehc #74476

Good morning spacehc, Where are you getting this stuff about SSM? If they are back in play I would love to know about it. Yesterday you posted that they were sending out textile samples. That post was quickly deleted. I never saw where they had even received any MS. I have seen nothing about SSM in quite a while. What did I miss?


05/15/14 9:35 AM

#74558 RE: spacehc #74476

"All parties would have to keep the lid on a buy out, and it is sure starting to smell like one.

I'd bet part of the deal would be Kim stays on board so he can see it through."

You nailed it, spaceman! A buyout would have to include Kim remaining in charge of all development of our technologies. As an attorney, he is in the cat seat. He could structure any deal he wanted.

He would no longer have to worry about financing the company or running the entire enterprise. With no worries, he could then concentrate purely on the technology.