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05/13/14 12:04 PM

#89672 RE: jagbird #89669

Yea, yea, yea some said "revoked"-"dead". Never get their business license renewed and so on. They were wrong, DGRI renewed license and found new partners, got new business profile, filed for BK to clean up financial works, hired new Auditors to get books ready for new business venture and correct filings for SEC. These things take time, If Dan were just doing things like a flash in the pan, then we have cause for concern. If he were then we would have continual PRs as some seem to want. If he is really trying to build a business then time to accomplish some feats will cause some quiet times. I guess we all would like Dan to hold our hands and tell us everything is going to be alright (everyday).


05/13/14 12:37 PM

#89673 RE: jagbird #89669

This stock paying a dividend.... DURR DURR