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05/14/14 9:56 AM

#882 RE: centurycom #881

Why would they buy when they get free shares every year for doing nothing GOOD. They hire scientists from the local community, put them to work at the office coming up with preclinical data that could be rigged.

So could the outside white papers, and what RTI has to say. Still no real proof that Multistem is anything other than a gimmick. There are independent studies, but they too could all be set up. Their local hospitals, schools, etc look to not be reconizing the relationships at all...

The trial was a huge failure and they came up with every reason it did or could have. Gil is so far off base thinking the company is undervalued. In reality, if multistem fails the stroke trial, which it looks to be headed in that direction. AYHX fails...
He can sit in as many conf. as he wants explaining the same thing over and over to the same people over and over. It means nothing and I was really wrong about him and the company. Looks to me like a high class in your face (we work hard) scam at best. They are the only ones using MAPC's and i think for a good reason..