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05/13/14 9:35 AM

#74203 RE: Steve White #74202

Agreed. Nothing elaborate about this scam.

Being "non-reporting" has allowed RIGH CEO Angel Stanz to get away with many moves that wouldn't be accepted were RIGH fully-reporting. And apologist investor/excuse-makers have enabled the scam to go on.

For example, moving the business filing from Nevada to Wyoming and increasing Authorized Shares to 30 BILLION w/o Shareholder Notice.

Elaborate? No. Legal? Yes (non-reporting). Ethical? No.

And giving away those 30 Billion shares to Salvatore Tuzzolino, Kelso Office, and USCoproducts, and not explaining to shareholders who these people and entities are and explicitly why they were give 90% of Shareholder Equity.

Elaborate? No. Legal? Yes(non-reporting). Ethical? No.

The list goes on. In Angel's defense (yes, you heard it) most of the hype has come from "over-enthusiastic investors" (being kind there) who oversold the business and made excuses for its failings.

A benign example, not implying any bad motives here:

On 4/29, Angel said in an email:

Financials are in progress. Just as I imagine you feel, I would have preferred the financials were submitted by now. The company is volleying documents between legal, accounting, and internal checksums. It is the nature of such filings, when one needs to submit two years worth of data. We expect this to be resolved shortly.

Yet, yesterday, 5/11 The BCAP claim to 8 Billion RIGH shares was presented as an excuse for the delayed fins, something even Angel never claimed on 4/29:

This, despite the fact that the BCAP situation was public knowledge as early as 4/25, (and probably MUCH earlier by my2mustangs), and was even posted here:

So the "community" makes excuses for Angel's misdeeds (broken promises, in this benign case) that Angel himself never makes.

Who needs an elaborate scam when there are apologists and excuse-makers aplenty? And Angel maintains plausible deniability and breaks no laws.

Careful here, newbs. This company is still WILDLY OVER-VALUED at .0006.

JMO, of course. Best to all.