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03/16/06 9:27 AM

#26140 RE: mas #26135

It still sells less than the processor it was designed to directly replace, PA-Risc.

That is mostly because sales of PA-RISC have not fallen off
as quickly as predicted. In some markets PA-RISC sales
rose in 2H05, albeit not nearly as fast as Integrity sales. Why
would folks still put money into an EOL chip? Because they
have full confidence of a seamless transition to IPF when
they need the extra performance. Contrast that to Sun which
continues to actively develop new SPARC chips and make
great promises but whose sales and market share continue
to fall year after year after year.

It now would have had a 10% clock increase in 3 years which will stretch to 4 in 2007 !

That's the sort of comment I'd expect from a right off the
back of a turnip truck computing newbie.

What's the difference in clock rate between these two socket
TPC-C submissions?:


What's the difference in performance?