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05/11/14 12:17 PM

#8982 RE: Senior Chief #8981

Senior Chief, I'm with you on Frank as I think that he is over compensated for what he has achieved for the company and it's shareholders. I also do not think that this new Reach technology is included in the RPX licensing protection and might need clarification from the company.

I would really like to see Frank communicate better with the shareholders, complete a deal on Reach to finally justify his compensation package or get out of the way so that someone can and would want to take these infringing companies to court. This bullcrap has gone on for too long.

Frank needs to do a lot better or get out of the way.

Come on Frank, it's time you show us your worth what you are compensated .


Just my opinions!!!

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05/11/14 11:00 PM

#8985 RE: Senior Chief #8981

" May I ask and obviously you don't have to answer, do you still own any stock in the company?"


I had been a Nuance shareholder since the early 90’s when I purchased ScanSoft stock for 2 bucks or so. WLGC entered my radar several years ago when someone posted a message on a NUAN bb wondering if NUAN might acquire WLGC.

I have been interested in stock scams for >20 years and enjoy reading the SEC filings of dubious companies. I have sold short numerous scams but have always avoided the penny stock arena.

Read all my work beginning last April on the MSSD board where I disect a classic stock scam. I've also posted this year on MDDD, another classic scam.

Read the entire MDDD board after my first post to see the interplay of scambuster, paid shills, and marks. Think back two years here when no one believed, except Provest and me in absentia, the only sober poster, wordwhat.

I did my dd on WLGC and quickly realized that this company with virtually no revenues for a decade was in the business of paying obfuscated salaries to "Frank" through management schemes and stock and warrant grants.

WordLogic, imo, is a privately owned nepotistic family company that happened to go public. Son, Oliver, as of at least 2013 was "Business Development Manager", whatever that means. Its business is not selling consumers goods; its business is selling investors Kool-Aid and hope.

WLGC was trading for ~ 6 to 8 cents/share at the time and I anticipated that a pump and dump would soon arrive. I was correct and I rode the stock up to 40 cents buying as high as .28. But I had convinced myself that the stock would peak near a buck.

Then I became a serious bagholder. I knew that the company was a worthless scam and I just kept waiting for the next succesful pump to come along...

I never arrived.

I bailed out 18 months later with a 50% loss. My stupidest stock market blunder ever.

There is an old stock market adage: A speculation gone wrong is also known as "an investment"!
