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05/10/14 5:29 PM

#10809 RE: 4starman #10807

You have to divide this timeline into two parts: before the release of Clipstream and after. During the before time, retail investors were whipped into a lather by HTFBS and some overly enthusiastic statements by Steve. A group was expecting a mega-contract and an accumulation of wealth from the get-go. When that didn't happen, when they realized that they might have to actually wait for the company to get better known and build itself up, that group fled in droves, driving the stock price down to where it is now, probably where it should have been all along.

Since the release of Clipstream, it's been what, 3 1/2 months? Does a reasonable person expect significant market penetration of a disruptive technology in that amount of time? I think not - reread the transcript from the last conference call and notice the word "customers". It's there and that means revenue, which, you are correct, did not exist before.

Is this progress at a fast enough rate to satisfy these investors of which you speak? Some yes, I'm sure, some no, but to not see progress is to not look. If you bought high, as I did some of my shares, you either have to sell at a loss or be patient, I'm giving this 3 years hence, the damage has already been done, how much lower can it realistically go?