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05/10/14 1:05 AM

#65968 RE: elysse1kittycat #65964

As already stated, I actually purchased more shares a couple of days ago, again as already stated, it was based on my decreasing concern about Chapter 11 or similar damaging news - go read my previous posts, I'm getting sick of having to repeat myself, sorry if that's rude, but seriously the cr@p being thrown at me today has been ridiculous.. basically no news was good news in that situation. Now new news (read: FACTS) have been issued by ACTC which paint a very desperate situation. My current take is different now from what it was a day or two ago. I'll just copy and paste my response from someone else who accused me of flip-flopping:

As far as 'flip-flopping' goes, most seasoned investors would recognize it for what it is - adjusting your projections based on the changing circumstances and flow of information over time. It's only one of the most basic tenets of investing, lol, and if you don't know even that much than you are definitely in the wrong place my friend. I've even explained when I've adjusted my view along the way, and supported it with sound reasoning based on facts direct from ACTC.

I won't be selling all my holdings until (if) the proverbial cr@p actually hits the fan - to completely pull out now I feel would be just as foolish as ignoring all the facts coming out from ACTC at present.. unless I were doing so to buy back in lower, but I'm more of a long-term investor, I don't day-trade much these days.. I don't have the time necessary to do that any more. I may have to bite the bullet and sell some, although I'm reluctant.. but I admit that is emotion that's making me hold now. The science here has HUGE potential, but the financial situation has become so dire now that to continue to wish otherwise is foolhardy. Something will have to give within the next 2 months. I am hoping JV, that's really all that's left that won't harm existing shareholders and all that's holding me from dumping right now, but heck, this is really leaving it to the last second...

I will probably wait a bit longer based only on that hope, but I know I may well end up kicking myself repeatedly for doing so.. and sadly it wouldn't be the first time.

But hey, news could come out Monday that changes everything - could be a JV, could be peer review that pushes up the pps to $0.10+ and allows more return for ACTC on the few shares left available and a few more months breathing space, it could be new financing, but that would likely be dilutive so it would be a double-edged sword for shareholders..

That's about as up-front as I can be. I don't know what might happen next week so I can't tell you for certain what I may or may not do. That's not flip flopping, that's just smart investing.