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Was (Bob)

05/12/01 10:44 PM

#45 RE: Was (Bob) #34

Odd. I really thought I was replying to that post in the Q&A thread, but apparently not. My apologies for that misunderstanding. All other points raised in my post still apply.


05/13/01 3:25 AM

#47 RE: Was (Bob) #34

Bob, I thought this WAS the thread Joe Money started.
"Joemoney started a new thread where only negative opinions about me will be allowed. Go there."

If you change requirements about being a member of IHUB, make it public, and make it for everyone..
"I do, but here's my reply to this anyway: The people whose names are on my paychecks don't tell me how to do my job, so I don't see why you should think it's your God-given right to do so and I find it more than a little offensive."
I don't understand your response. You find my questions a little more than offensive? What in the world do you think people find your behavior? btw, "god given right"? Just exactly who and what do you think you are in the scheme of things? This is a message board for pete's sake,if you don't understand that that's all this is, I feel sorry for you.
"Oh, so we're back to ignoring the fact that you shouldn't even be here at all, but I gave you a second chance and let you back in, eh?"
Are you saying that matt did NOT say that the situation was a suspension for two weeks, but rather a termination??
If you understand that you are incorrect about this, then you will understand that you did NOT do me any favors, and that I had every "right" to post here, after fufilling the two week period, which I DID..

"But understand this: If I wanted to boot you off the site, I wouldn't be "looking for any excuse". I would just do it. Do you doubt that?
I wouldn't need an "excuse", but if I did, you've given me plenty. Including your stubborn refusal to quit disrupting this Q&A thread with your constant '"issues" with me."

Bob I don't doubt that, that's how you handled everything at si, , you terminated si into the ground. And fwiw we're not even ON the Q&A thread, we're on the Joe Money thread. you had the same arrogant attitude when you worked at si, and look what happened, you terminated enough people that almost EVERYONE left. You win nothing by terminating people except to build your own ego. What are you going to do, poof everyone that disagrees with you in a manner that you feel is okay to do to everyone else but not you? don't say anything negative about bob, he's the big shot web guy. he's worshipped by people that think they are a charactar in a book, by people that think 'grubs" are important, by people that measure a persons value based on whether or not they answer a call to "battle' on a stupid message thread, by people that offer to send airplane tickets to perfect strangers in order that they may meet in a boxing ring, not really knowing whether or not the person they make the offer to isn't really some guy that just got out of prison for killing people that sneeze too loudly, are you for real?

"Inapropriate displays of disrespect"
bob what is it that you do that makes you think you should command all this "respect" for? This is a message board bob, no one is going to be cured of cancer here, no great scientific discovery is going to be made here, no olympic gold medals are going to be won here, it's just a message board. I'm sorry that you don't grasp that reality, but bob that's all it is.

And by terminating me just because 'you can", not only says volumes about you, it sends a message to members that you're a nut. bob the dr stranglove pushes the poof button on another member, as he stokes his cat..who's next? is it you? is it her? is it him?

Oh and bob, when you brought up the posting part the first time, even though I didn't understand what in the world you were whining about, I posted on the chag thread.

"Now take it to Joe's thread. Feel free to copy this message to that thread and reply there. But I'm not tolerating any more of this nonsense here."

Don't worry bob, I won't post on your bad bob thread any more, and I won't post on your bob q&a thread anymore.
I'm just going to sit back and see if I am right about you or if you're right about you, and the effects you will have on ihub. I think that under your stewardship this site will fare no better than si did. Because I think that you and your "friends" are at the root of the problem, not the solution.