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05/09/14 6:46 AM

#38933 RE: michelle4allseason #38930

I could start a company and say I have no debit and I have growing revenue, you'd ask for finical records, I'd say I don't have any, would you buy my stock?

Easier for you, you go to the bank to borrow money, you tell the bank yea I've got this and that totaling $$$ and i'm debit free.

Will they give you a loan? No not until you provide them some financials or tax returns that prove what you say is true.

This is what MDHI has done, they have come before the investors and said we are debit free, have $$$ coming in so buy our shares.

Just like the bank, I like the sound of what MDHI says but i want proof.

We all know MDHI has no updated financials so are we to trust them?

Especially knowing Joe Noel has robbed share holders out of all their investment in 13 other companies before he closed them due to no operating funds.

I think your new here so I have to wonder, how many ID's does Joe and Ronnie have.

After all it's the 9th already and they have to come up with the money to pay bills this month.

And just like they have done the past 5 years, that means they have to pr, or blog lies to get some more investors on board so they can pay the bills.


05/09/14 6:48 AM

#38934 RE: michelle4allseason #38930

As I said before if you have access to financials that the rest of us don't then please post them, other wise we have no proof what your saying is true.