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05/08/14 2:26 PM

#24009 RE: Duke2010 #24008

I still can't sell this to friends and family and happy I haven't.

I'll be on the phone the moment that qtmm proves to us they can generate revenue. Whatever they have released
Is not enough to convince a mainstream investor. It's all speculation still for us out of the loop.

Pls don't mention nda's. I had an Nda
With my mechanic last week it's that easy.


05/08/14 2:30 PM

#24010 RE: Duke2010 #24008

Agreed Duke Long..


05/08/14 3:42 PM

#24012 RE: Duke2010 #24008

Duke...'sell' to family & friends[?]
...speaking for myself only here but, that's not generally a good idea with 'any' stock or investment,'s all a gamble no matter how you look at it & even in the (so-called) Bluechips, there have (& continue to be) Big losers. I wholeheartedly believe in this stock but until there are revenues, nothing is absolutely certain...until then, I'll leave the 'selling' to the company, by way of 'results'. I much prefer to point the way (if at all) & leave the DD to those who may be interested & the leave the 'selling' out of it entirely, much as I prefer to do on this board. If it makes friends & family $$, they'll love you forever, conversely, if they lose, you'll never hear the end of it...unless they cut-off relations w/ you altogether as a result...not worth the possible personal baggage from my PoV.


05/08/14 5:57 PM

#24017 RE: Duke2010 #24008

Hi Duke,
You never sell, all you’re doing is introducing the people to an opportunity to possibly change their current financial status some. It’s their decision to invest totally. After they investigate the info provided or the direction you pointed them to, all actions after that are in their hands. Now presenting the info that you provide with exuberance/enthusiasm doesn’t hurt in getting their interest peaked. Most, about 80% - 90% won’t act on any of the info that you provide, they are not that venturous or willing to invest in a speculative unknown company. Those with foresight and with a little margin to play with in their finances will take the risk to rewards challenge more seriously and dabble with a few shares. Everyone wants to be in the next Microsoft, Dell, hot IPO that will run past their wildest imagination fantasies, but with those being few and far between most pass on the opportunity, and with good reason, so many hyped stocks and next earth shattering revolutionary products just fizzle. Remember the promotional push the Segway had as the next transportation wonder, fizzle. So the only advice I will give you for family and friends is be honest with what you know about the company, product they are developing and potential applications associated with their product. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.


05/08/14 6:07 PM

#24018 RE: Duke2010 #24008

I can say Bill didn't sell me on it, but he did introduce me and provide a few paths of information to investigate. I studied up and saw what most see hear, huge potential with, of course, some risk. In my opinion, the upside on this stock is magnitudes higher than the risk. But, I still have many years before retirement and will make more money if I lose on this investment. If I win, I'll retire in my 40's. Where else can you drop $20-30k and have high potential to turn it into millions? Looking forward!