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Dragon Lady

05/07/14 7:11 PM

#9307 RE: Let's Roll #9302

"Mike Tomas, presented at the eMerge": stock DOWN ONLY 9% to 11% and volume is drying up. So, that appears to be working out pretty good.

Another "talk", another "conference" and "webinars" and "tweets" and "facebook"- and it's only making lower highs and lower lows, and volume is drying up. Great. 50 DMA is at .037, and it hasn't even come remotely close to making a re-test or go at it, since breaking it on April 14th on high vol. It's downtrending and volume is getting very low (didn't even break a million shares yesterday, as someone pointed out). It's headed for the next big drop, IMO. At least to the 200 DMA, which is .019 (the ole 2 cent zone). It's touched real close to that already about 3 times now, in the past week.

What I find very interesting IMHO, is the entire "company" is 3 people according to their own 10-K. Here is the exact wording of the most recent 10-K, PAGE F-17:
"The Company has three full-time employees and no part-time employees. The Company is heavily dependent on the continued active participation of its two current executive officers, one employee..."

So, when 2/3 of the "company" (the 2 of the 3 listed as the "key" employees), always IMO, appear to often be gone, as in, off giving "talks" and "presentations" and at "shows" for a shmattering of who knows what- all over the place; who is actually left, actually "running" and "managing" the day to day, you know, "business" of the company? I just find it curious, to say the least IMO?

I mean- who is left actually running an "R&D" company and doing actual "research" and most importantly IMO, who's running/managing things like PHASE III "trials" and dealing with FDA regulatory issues and writing research papers or studying data, and doing the financial accounting and "stuff" it takes for a public traded company? I mean when they're gone a lot- who's left, as they say, "minding the store"? What goes on, on an average day, as far as being a "medical research" company, conducting I guess- all these "studies" in all these different countries, plus overseeing all these "deals" and stuff announced in numerous "PR" and similar- I mean how does 3 "employees" do all that, let alone, when 2 of the 3, the 2 key ones, are off hanging out and being at "conferences" and "talks" and similar "stuff" it appears, fairly often IMO?

I just find all that fascinating? A Phase II/III "trial", medical research company, all being handled by a few people? It just doesn't seem to make much sense IMHO? Seems like a lot of work, in a lot of different places, and a lot of "deals" and a lot of areas of "study" (we got what now- the "heart" and ED and COPD and orthopedic and "eye" and "animals" and probably some more I've missed or forgotten from all the PR)- and all "handled" by 3 employees, 2 of which are "key" and are gone a lot of the time and "conferencing" or "talking" or "presenting"- and all?

I don't get it? Makes no sense to me- how all that would be possible? But hey, that's just me I guess. Do one's own due diligence and good luck buying, selling or trading.