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05/05/14 6:16 PM

#18 RE: Lucullus #17

Its always nice to read overhyped garbage from a dreamer but i lived in Germany for 6 years I can tell you one thing, EUROPEANS dont see RUSSIA as a friend, they see it as an adversary and now more like an enemy, so wake up and stop dreaming when you speak with me, k as I am in constant contact with friends I know all over the world?

Are you what they Call an Auslander, because lets face it, you arent European. You might pretend to be but you are a russian puppet, no more no less. Russia is controlled by a Dictator Named Putin, Europe is controlled by freely elected governments by each countres citizens. They dont have planned elections like the one putin planned. As you can see from the current crisis, EUROPEAN and AMERICAN governments are planning together (true friends) to slap sanctions on Russia(enemy). Maybe you dont get it, We DONT like YOU. If you havent heard this, then I challenge you to pick up ANY German news paper and read about it and further educate yourself on the subject, "russian european". Although European contries do have contracts in place, those can and WILL be replaced through time. And I dont know what kind of koolaid you're sipping but you might want to go and research fracking. The USA is the LARGEST natural gas producer in the world. Throwing out lies about fracking and its yeild doesnt help you and it certainly doesnt help regional power, Russia. Why is russias economy reliant on 50% of its gas and oil to survive? Does russia produce anything else besides vodka and oil? If the western governments wanted to, they would boycott russia gas and oil and it would collapse the russian economy in a matter of weeks. Thats not a fiction, thats a very near reality. Of course it would hurt USA and european economies, but europe and America actually as worth something more than oil and gas.

BTW, most world governments and most certainly Americans ARE following sanctions. Maybe take your head out the sand before its too late. NVM I just re-read what you wrote. You're a gonner, no hope for you. Putin has already ordered your knee pads and you're wearing them.

Countries that have top notch credit ratings dont go bankrupt, countries that have credit ratings just above JUNK STATUS go bankrupt, thats means Russia is garbage. You're on step 5 of 6 of the bankrupt process. The USA and Europe and asking you to give them another excuse to crumble your pathetic economy and "monopolies" such as gazprom, a state run oil company controlled by a pathetic country, ruled by a selfcentered clown named little Vladamir Putin, the midget. How many more stock photos of his fishing, riding a horse, finding ancient treasures etc etc is this bafoon going to subject us too? I mean, c'mon, the guy is a clown and you're "putin" his make on. only oirdianry Russians are fool by this idiot


05/05/14 6:23 PM

#19 RE: Lucullus #17

BTW, Someone "discovering" Gazprom is laughable. The volume of trading was 500,000 shares. And the price was around $7.00

MY PENNYSTOCK trades better than that

So much for 40 years of not being discovered