Several things are unknown. I think it is good to go back and very carefully reread the recent blog about the financing deal. Surely, more will be known about the details when the SEC approves the deal. MRNJ has flexibility on when to issue stock to Macallen, so it seems would be an advantage to wait and do so if the stock goes up, etc. Therefore, I do not guess the deal will set a specific exchange ratio, otherwise I am not sure I understand the point. Therefore, not so sure that doing the "math" is relevant yet. Also, it is unknown to me if there will be a provision that allows the financing to be paid back alternately with money and not use stock or if a mix would be allowed. Keep in mind the blog post did say something about efforts are continuing on other financing deals. The fact that Macallen group is being flexible is a good sign, in my opinion, and may hint at its level of interest in what MRNJ is doing businesswise. They must want to be a large shareholder, at some level. It takes $$$ to make $$$.