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03/14/06 11:03 AM

#112853 RE: StockSpence #112828

Know that Nothing is mandatory to be here by the 16th. The 8K says, "thereafter".

Attached is a press release issued in connection with this agreement (see Exhibit 99).

On December 28, 2005, the parties entered into an amendment to the Services Agreement (see Exhibit 10.2). Under this amendment, the parties agreed to extend the pilot program until March 15, 2006. Thereafter, if the parties mutually agree that a national rollout of this program is mutually beneficial, they will enter into a definitive agreement for such national rollout.

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03/14/06 11:04 AM

#112857 RE: StockSpence #112828

its fellas like you that wiull be selling when we here no news on 15th or 16th.
NEWS prob later this month!
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03/14/06 11:58 AM

#112923 RE: StockSpence #112828

StockSpence: Why you would "believe that something huge is about to happen. Not just CC. Maybe one or two others things at the same time", is beyond me.

If they can't make it a success or show that they can be successful with and to CC who they've been "joined at the hip" for six months now, why on earth would you "believe" they can or will do better and be HUGE w/ another retailer or the likes, especially in the short term?

Be consistent at least in your thoughts. It's obvious you're one "nervous nellie", but geesh, think rationally about it.

If they fail w/ CC then it'll be some time until they can gain investor confidence back, not to mention gaining the confidence in another major retailer to give them a shot. That's like getting fired from a job after performing horribly and proving to be a great dissapointment to that employer after only six months working there and expecting to turn around and immediately find a better job w/ as much or more responsability and expect to get paid as much or more for it. Ridiculous to think. Like that real world scenario, it would take considerable time, IMO, for them to regain confidence in everyone looking at them before and during this CC "trial" for anybody to take a chance w/ them if failure to follow through w/ a national rollout w/ CC were to take place.

Nope, I do see this as a make/break juncture for this company. Sure, they could survive (they have pleny of cash) but it'll be a dismal return on our investment and they'll be third rate like many others in this arena, IMO. They could cut costs, not expand so much, gain the regular "joe schmo" looking for an online DVD and/or game rental supplier from their web adverts, but I'm sure news will spread that they failed w/ CC and it'll put a hurtin' on them.

I'm still around only because I have the service and am very satisfied so far w/ them and I happen to think that they aren't "blowing smoke" when it comes to the new website and their commitment to making the CC partnership a success. Therefore, I have a healthy amount (for me) invested here. Yes, it's a gamble, but it's informed gambling and I'm satisified w/ the odds at this table...very satisfied.

Furthermore, there "MUST" NOT be "something" ("PR what-so-ever") by the 16th. Sure, the links being taken down from the CC website could be a clue that something possibly went wrong there. But, until it's given at least a week or two afterwards, panic selling your shares after tomorrow or the 16th may only end you up w/ missing a huge gain when the news you think "MUST" come out in your prescibed timeframe, doesn't.

Again, for some positive thoughts on the CC/GnF deal and timing, I refer you back to two of my recent posts. I hope they can help eleviate some of your fears and provide you with some rational perspective on this. lns