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05/04/14 5:42 PM

#65069 RE: Pjordan1019 #65063

Here's something that has never been brought up for discussion...and hopefully...may shed some light into the topic of finances....A while ago, when SVFC was purchased (from China Wireless), they took over the existing debt of the previous a fairly significant amount of debt was obtained initially thru no fault of the company (ok...well...I'm sure this will be debated...Lol!)...and then when SVFC calculated what they thought would be the initial start up costs, it turned out they had underestimated the amount that they would need to get started. It's taken a few years for this to get sorted out...and in my opinion, they've learnt from past mistakes and are trying to move forward and accomplish their business goals!!! Now, it would be reasonable to stop comparing the company to a Fortune 500 company that doesn't face the challenges that SVFC does (not saying that you are...Lol!...just saying)...cut them some slack...acknowledge the progress that they've made as an indication that the business goals will be accomplished and be happy that a share can be purchased for under a penny!!!:)))