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05/03/14 9:16 PM

#20375 RE: silent partner #20374

Thanks for sharing your experience Silent Partner. Must be an even greater day for you as you've been waiting a while here.

A buddy and I ventured out this morning to our local comic book shop in Arizona. We got there early and nobody was there. Then about ½ hour before open, a lot of people showed up. As they opened the doors, they explained the rules. In this one, only two (2) comics allowed per person. So we scoped out Red Giant Entertainment comics on the table as we were in line - they were right there out in the open unpackaged (a lot of them). We strategically gathered two of each set. We then looked through them and were impressed by the content and major big name advertisers!

Then took a trip out to another shop farther out. By this time it was the afternoon and it was still packed with people. Low and behold, we found some remaining at that shop as well. So we were able to get five (5) copies here and got those as "collectors" editions for us (personally). As I looked around, a father and his son were looking at them. He told his son (while holding up the Magika series), "oh cool, 2 comics in one" and snagged that one and a couple more.

The morale to this story and reason to be excited today for us, is the fact that #FCBD2014 being upon us - and everything stated and PR'd came to fruition. If we can't celebrate and highlight what's to come, then when can we? LOL. Benny and #REDG came through for us today.

Key facts: The comics were there. The major advertisers were there. The ad content and all series were there ~~~> AS PROMISED. This occurred across the country and verified by 100's of photo's and experiences similar to ours. As I've mentioned before in previous posts and as stated in recent PR, this is a Worldwide event - wherein REDG is a major player.

Now it will unfold into the summer as many other catalysts are to come. I think I'll join you in backing up the truck. I plan to sell another position I have at a loss, to support this ticker and great team.