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05/02/14 11:01 PM

#29279 RE: Full Throttle #29277

I tell you, Kyle has had more patience and determination than all of us put together. He earned the trust and respect of the State and will soon prove it with a permit in his hand to bring up the remains of another 1715 wreck. Other deals sure to follow with cred like that.


05/02/14 11:05 PM

#29280 RE: Full Throttle #29277

I have met Kyle several times and from the very first time i met him at my restaurant, i can tell you this, the man wreaks of (no not martinis LOL) integrity. Rarely have i met someone so driven and with such passion to accomplish what he set out to do. Most of us would have given up looooong ago.

And we see by how difficult this process is, to get a permit, why no one even bothered for so long.

Yet, here we have a man who has sacrificed a good portion of his life, time away from his wife and family, to get the job done.

And remember, no salary EVER taken. The man is not flashy, he is just a good guy working to get things done. In fact, it was more a matter of principal then anything else when they went after that one fool who was spreading all kinds of bs about Kyle and the co over the internet. And we all saw how that went. All the crap spewed was just that, crap.

This is a good man, and as hard working as they come.

In Kyle i trust, very much so. What can be done, will be done.

There has been a steep learning curve for sure. Navigating not only the waters off the coast of FL, but also all the state agencies. Captains have been gone through, different crew members, dealing w the Iron Maiden. No, this has not been easy. Much harder i'm sure than Kyle, ever, imagined when he began this odyssey. But i'll tell you one thing for sure, don't think we could ask for a better captain of our SFRX ship.