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05/02/14 10:48 AM

#4918 RE: Bale out #4917

You flatter me... NO, not worried at all.

Months away from final determination of litigation: I just can't believe that one of the best, if not the best, law firms in patent matters takes on our case on a contingency basis without a firm believe that we will win. Also, V/MC can no longer argue the patent is invalid...they now have to change their defense. Were we, SMME, correct in our initial claim??.. Seems so to me. The court has ruled Patent 424 is valid and SOMEONE, therefore, at sometime will pay us for its infringement.

As for funding: My business education is long in the past, but my advice, if asked for, which it was not, but will be given here would have been this: Chaya, do you really want to give up more control of the company or involve more people in the operation of the business just to get the card to market ONLY months away from possibly having enough funds to be self-funding? I hope not.

In addition, as I read between the lines of the PR's, Chaya is, without a doubt, putting things in order and at the ready. When the results of the litigation are known she will proceed forward in the direction necessary depending upon the decision of the Appeals Court, which will be forthcoming in a couple of months. From the comments made here on this board from people who have knowledge and experience with the pin-and-chip cards in Europe and elsewhere our card seems to be generations ahead of them. Thus, I again would advise the Company of SMME, shareholders and officers alike, WAIT until the decision of the court is made.

(Poor spelling and grammar are the results of bad typing skills and not the ability nor state of mind of its author.)