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05/01/14 7:43 PM

#311049 RE: hooligan1901 #311046

SQNS Exactly the 3.5 GHZ range does not have a lot of players. I think our testing with AIR is going to lead to some nice design wins in Japan. Softbank NEEDS!! our tech. I read that the Demand for Data is Japan is massive. Softbank probably has one of the most congested networks in the world. It does not hurt that our Chip is already in the top selling router in Japan right now. We have been testing with them for over a year and a half. I would say that Softbank is committed. The thing that keeps sticking in my head right now is the comments the the CEO said a year or so ago. The CEO of softbank stated our Data rates in the US were laughable at best when he was over here for the sprint deal. Now he owns sprint and is looking to maybe pick up T-mobile. With as impressed as softbank seems to be already with the AIR testing we could see our tech used in sprint for sure. Lets face it sprint has some pretty shitty LTE service. Just some food for thought. I do think this conference in Japan is going to yield some very good stuff with SQNS. We have been working way to hard with Softbank for a long time and the fruits of it all are about to come out. I do remember reading an article on their Interference Rejection testing about 6 months ago that screamed SQNS but can not seem to find it now.