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Always wondering

05/01/14 10:10 AM

#210016 RE: lubberboy #210013

I hear ya. It's a sad state of affairs all around.
The lying and coverups are what bother me.
On the bright side, it looks like volume may pick up. Bid/Ask building. Big green FNMA close to start May with a bang :-)


05/01/14 10:17 AM

#210019 RE: lubberboy #210013

At least this time with more glaring evidence of a cover up from the commander in chief on down there is a possibility of of justice for the families that were told by Hillary that it was due to a video. I hope they don't try to sneek the vote through this hearing. There now I am not off topic.

IL Padrino

05/01/14 11:45 AM

#210055 RE: lubberboy #210013

Why is it that every time someone points out a lie, scandal, or flaw of this administration, the immediate argument is to point out flaws in past ones? Does that somehow justify this one?

The constant deflecting is really puzzling and is no good for the country. Plus if the only defense to justify a wrong is to point out the wrongs of others, it's a failed argument. Try it in a court of law. Your honor, yes, I murdered, but so did that guy so I should be exonerated.

"Those comparing themselves among themselves are not wise."