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05/14/14 9:27 AM

#1520 RE: Pro-Life #1511

No conspiracy, we wanted weapons more, just a simple fact.

Fear can make people irrational.

Even the the individuals involved in the Manhattan project knew they had made a mistake. Szilárd petition ECAS

It's an embarrassing fact that both World Wars, and in fact most conflicts to date, have been fought over the underlying problem of resource/energy scarcity. And these geniuses (literally), with the ambition of Peace-on-Earth, were duped into weaponizing the most energy *dense* (unintended pun) substances humanity has discovered.

Job security:
I don't always love capitalism, but it's one of the only things that got these dolts to stop and think, "Gee, maybe ending humanity isn't exactly a brilliant business plan?". (palm->forehead)

As for Thorium, I believe it's resurgence in the nuclear conversation is proof that humanity is progressing past our cave man heritage. But to reverse the course of an entire industry that has incredibly complex design and political barriers (and no more military support) is not going to happen overnight or possibly in my lifetime.