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04/30/14 11:05 PM

#221969 RE: BullNBear52 #221964

Which party over the years has pushed deregulation more than the other? .. GWB belonged to the party which comes to my mind ..

Glass–Steagall was virtually neutered by the time Clinton signed
.. neutered by years of free-market fervor, pushed by you-know-who ..

GWB was always a deregulation guy, and he was President for 8 years before the 2008 crash .. seems
you could have better addressed the first bit of your post to SoxFan, anyway, i think his position taken
in context, and not read clinically literally, was more on the mark than this bit from your link ..

"In 1999, Democrats led by President Bill Clinton and Republicans led by Sen.
Phil Gramm joined forces to repeal Glass-Steagall at the behest of the big banks."

which, since we all know the Republicans were the biggest legislative deregulation drivers though the '60's to 1999, leaves a false
equivalence .. so no .. i don't think his was total bs .. and as far as rewriting history goes, well, seems to me GWB and his
side do much more of that, too .. lol, on that note i wonder how the conservative attempt to re-write the bible is going
.. ..


05/01/14 9:37 AM

#221995 RE: BullNBear52 #221964

I know as a coward you have me on ignore so please stop quoting/linking my posts (I guess you can read them -LOL). Now if you would like to be educated on why the financial collapse was bigger than the great depression fine if not then stay ignorant as you seem to like it in that place.


05/01/14 2:40 PM

#222050 RE: BullNBear52 #221964

The repeal had nothing to do with the Bush years even if one Dem. voted for want to try again?