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03/13/06 12:30 PM

#998 RE: Telephonics #997

Delusions Of The Media And Bureaucratic Lies..

A boy says to his father as they walk along the footpath, while looking at the nightfall on the brook through the dale..

What could ruin a land as spacious as ours?

His Dad replies..

Delusions of the media, and bureaucratic lies..

For people aren't as smart as sheep, that wander from the fold, trusting everything they see, believing what they're told..

Then hazard is upon them before they understand.. Delusions of the media and bureaucratic lies..

And if you try to forewarn them, they'll say that you're a idiot, your wisdom will not be followed, like any golden rule, by all the arrogant mockers, who are led to their ruin, by delusions of the media and bureaucratic lies..

Be, of those that persist, who number very few, armed with Loyalty, armed with Faith, destruction will not seek you..

Fortify for such destruction, lest it takes you by surprise, through delusions of the media and bureaucratic lies..

~ Author Unknown ~