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04/28/14 9:24 PM

#208860 RE: not one red cent ~NORC~ #208859

Synopsis: Every single person who is not directly or indirectly related to the corruption sees the wind down prospect as foolhardy and inherently dangerous to the country's health and freedom, however, a small pocket of crooks with axes to grind and necks to protect would like to pat Congress on the back for a rare instance of bipartisan unity in legislation creation. I for one would also like to pat Congress on the back for working together, you know, like adults in charge of a country are supposed to. What's that? Their work together amounts to a simultaneous rape of the fabric of this nation?! Scratch that. Bad Congress. Bad.


04/28/14 10:33 PM

#208888 RE: not one red cent ~NORC~ #208859

The only quotes are the same ones from HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. I don't think Lew's quotes here are anything to worry about. Donovan stands to benefit if legislation goes through, because his role will have more flexibility, thus power. There could be many reasons why he is pushing it, but I don't see quotes of Obama himself saying this bill/proposal/markup must be passed, just Donovan. Has anyone seen quotes from someone else in the administration that they want specifically j/c to be passed?